Team: Noisy Pixels
Team Members:
Shubham Dokania (2020701016)
Shanthika Shankar Naik (2020701013)
Sai Amrit Patnaik (2020701026)
Madhvi Panchal (2019201061)
Assigned TA: Meher Shashwat Nigam
This project is undertaken as a part of the Computer Vision coursework at IIIT Hyderabad in Spring semester 2021. The paper implemented in this project is: Occupancy Networks: Learning 3D Reconstruction in Function Space by Mescheder et. al.
The approach focuses on implicit learning of 3D surface as a continuous decision boundary of a non-linear classifier. Occupancy networks implicitly represent the 3D surface as the continuous decision boundary of a deep neural network classifier. The details of the implementation have been outlined in the project report and the proposal document which can be found here.
The following sections outline how to run the demo and some examples of the expected output from running the mentioned scripts.
Code structure:
- resources
- propossal.pdf
- mid_eval.pdf
- src
- dataset
- models
- viz
- proposal.pdf
In the above structure, the source code for the whole implementation can be found in the src
directory. The scripts each contain a description of the functions/classes implemented and provide a wrapper to experiment with the flow of the program.
Metrics Functionality uses pykdtree library. pykdtree is a kd-tree implementation for fast nearest neighbour search in Python.The implementation is based on scipy.spatial.cKDTree and libANN by combining the best features from both and focus on implementation efficiency.
Download the dataset for shapenet from: here
Then to process the dataset, use the script as: python3 src/dataset/ --dataroot <unzipped dataset path> --output <your data output path>
This script will process the dataset and prepare it in the form of HDF5 files for each object separately. This will also apply the point encoding on the dataset.
To setup the required libraries for mesh processing, run the following command:
python3 build_ext --inplace
The following also need to be installed to run the code properly:
pip3 install --user pytorch-lightning efficientnet-pytorch pykdtree
To train the model, use the following command:
$ python3 src/ --help
usage: [-h] [--cdim CDIM] [--hdim HDIM] [--pdim PDIM] [--data_root DATA_ROOT] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--output_path OUTPUT_PATH] [--exp_name EXP_NAME] [--encoder ENCODER] [--decoder DECODER]
Argument parser for training the model
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cdim CDIM feature dimension
--hdim HDIM hidden size for decoder
--pdim PDIM points input size for decoder
--data_root DATA_ROOT
location of the parsed and processed dataset
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Training batch size
--output_path OUTPUT_PATH
Model saving and checkpoint paths
--exp_name EXP_NAME Name of the experiment. Artifacts will be created with this name
--encoder ENCODER Name of the Encoder architecture to use
--decoder DECODER Name of the decoder architecture to use
Fill the values accordingly for the configuration and the model shall start training. We can also make use of mixed precision training via pytorch lightning. To do this, edit the src/
To view the training progress, run tensorboard in your experiment directory tensorboard --logdir=<experiment directory>
To run evaluation on the test set (selective objects: roughly 500 for now. Change it in the script for more), use the following script:
$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] [--cdim CDIM] [--hdim HDIM] [--pdim PDIM] [--data_root DATA_ROOT] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--output_path OUTPUT_PATH] [--exp_name EXP_NAME] [--encoder ENCODER] [--decoder DECODER]
[--checkpoint CHECKPOINT]
Argument parser for training the model
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cdim CDIM feature dimension
--hdim HDIM hidden size for decoder
--pdim PDIM points input size for decoder
--data_root DATA_ROOT
location of the parsed and processed dataset
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Training batch size
--output_path OUTPUT_PATH
Model saving and checkpoint paths
--exp_name EXP_NAME Name of the experiment. Artifacts will be created with this name
--encoder ENCODER Name of the Encoder architecture to use
--decoder DECODER Name of the decoder architecture to use
--checkpoint CHECKPOINT
Checkpoint Path
To generate 3D models and meshes, use jupyter
notebook or lab environment, and run check_model.ipynb
. Keep the config flags same as evaluation and tweak the save path to see results.