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What is the difference between OpenSim GUI and OpenSim Creator? #873

Answered by adamkewley
adamkewley asked this question in Q&A
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OpenSim Creator's development is more geared towards creating new models, whereas OpenSim GUI is more geared towards analyzing and editing already-built models. Abstractly, this means that OpenSim Creator spends more of its "coding real-estate" on things like real-time rendering, automatically-updated feedback cycles, etc. whereas OpenSim GUI spends more of its "coding real-estate" providing a comprehensive suite of tools (e.g. Inverse Kinematics solver, CMC solver, scale tool).

Another difference is that they are developed by different (though, strongly collaborating) teams with different development cycles and requirements. At time of writing (v0.5.12), Creator is a one-man project (me)…

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May 2, 2024
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