PyTextBin is a versatile Python library facilitating seamless conversion between text, binary, JSON, base64, xml and CSV formats with ease.' See the documentaion for more information
You can install PyTextBin using pip from PyPI:
pip install PyTextBin
Alternatively, you can find the project on GitHub:
# Import everything from textbin
from pytextbin import *
#To begin, create an object from the Textbin() class, which you'll use to access all the methods.
# 0) create textbin_obj instance
textbin_obj = pytextbin.Textbin()
# 1) convert text to binary
text = 'hello world'
converted = textbin_obj.to_binary(text)
print("to_binary>>", converted)
# 2) convert json data to a base64 string
json_data = { 'id' : 12 , 'name' : 'Collins' }
converted = textbin_obj.json_to_base64(json_data)
print("json_to_base64>>", converted)
base64_data = 'eyJpZCI6IDEyLCAibmFtZSI6ICJDb2xsaW5zIn0='
converted = textbin_obj.base64_to_json(base64_data)
print("base64_to_json>>", converted)
Contributions to PyTextBin are welcome! You can find the project's GitHub repository and contribute to its development.
Your contributions are highly appreciated! We hope that PyTextBin proves helpful to you. Thank you for using it.