Releases: CommandJoo/Java-Native-NCurses
Releases · CommandJoo/Java-Native-NCurses
Java Native NCurses
Java NCurses Implementation
[.] fixed $ formatting incorrectly
[-] Connecting Borders -> need to reimplement
[+] Custom Key Handler
[+] Rounded Corners
[.] Methods cleaned up]
[+] TextInput Component
[+] Rounded Corners for Windows
Java Native NCurses
Java NCurses implementation
[+] Formatting Strings by using $ codes
[+] Minimum window bounds
[+] Made many Curses methods statically available
[+] Better more efficient ColorBuilder
[~] Refactor NativeCurses -> Curses and package Change
Java Native NCurses
Java Native Curses implementation
[+] Selector Component
[+] Connecting Borders
[+] Static accessors for things like terminal width in NativeCurses
[+] Better drawing updates
[-] touched value
Java Native NCurses
Java NCurses Wrapper
- WindowManager
- Window, Textfield, Button etc...
- NativeCurses