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Release How To

michajlo edited this page Nov 20, 2012 · 1 revision

Process for rolling releases of jrugged

Release Process

*Caveat*: Although jrugged is built with Maven, we're not currently set up correctly with SVN integration or repository integration to be able to simply use the Maven Release Plugin. Hopefully soon. At any rate, we have to do some things manually right now.

  1. Make sure `mvn verify` completes successfully.
  2. Update all the `pom.xml` files to the appropriate ReleaseVersionNumbers (no -SNAPSHOT)
  3. Make sure `mvn verify` still works!
  4. Check in updated poms.
  5. Create the tag by copying the working branch (usually trunk) to the /tags directory with `svn cp`.
  6. Update all the `pom.xml` files in the working branch to the next release version (with -SNAPSHOT again).
  7. Check in the updated poms; development work can now continue against the working branch.
  8. Check out the tag from the /tags directory.
  9. Run `mvn package` and upload the appropriate artifacts to the project site on Google code.
    1. JAR, apidocs, sources for jrugged-core, jrugged-aspects, jrugged-spring
    2. source only for jrugged-examples
    3. mark the new JARs as 'Featured'
  10. Deploy new Javadoc to the S3 'jrugged' bucket and update links on the project homepage.
  11. Update the ChangeLog.
  12. Send a mail announcing the release to all mailing lists.