A WIP simple Rez package with miscellaneous, optimized functions for working with USD.
The package is relatively simple at the moment and will only add new items as-needed. The 1.0.0 release can be considered as a "Hello World!" for a basic C++, USD, Python binding library.
The value used to detect "bad" scale values. Default: 0.0001. Any scale value whose distance to zero is on-or-less than this value is considered bad. (Small, negative values are also considered bad).
Make sure there's a GPU performance test
Add CUDA support, via ephemerals
Optimize it to be as fast as possible
Make sure that I can include it into another Rez package
- Get .h included as a separate folder (so it can be importable)
Make sure passing just a list / set / container / etc to the function is valid
Possibly useful links
https://stackoverflow.com/a/15940413/3626104 https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_53_0/libs/python/doc/v2/faq.html#custom_string https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3761391/boostpython-python-list-to-stdvector
Do the miscellaneous TODO notes
Add C++ linters
Make a 1.0.0 release
Add Python documentation to the Boost.Python wrapped code
Remove all WIP / TODO tags, later
Check if removing std::abs is faster
To test performance
for i in {1..10}; do time python tests/performance_test.py; done
- Try this out https://stackoverflow.com/a/33422179/3626104