This library parses disassembly text using tree-sitter to produce a light-weight grammar of the file.
Limited ARM support
Warning: WIP. This feature is not yet merged into nvim-dap-ui.
This repository's parsing rules are subject to change.
Make sure you include the following somewhere in your init.lua
require("nvim-treesitter.configs").setup {
ensure_installed = {"disassembly"},
parser_install_dir = installation_directory,
highlight = { enable = true },
-- More stuff
- Install the tree-sitter-cli
cd {root}
tree-sitter test
All tests should pass.
The best way to test tree-sitter-disassembly is to parse open gdb or another debugger and copy its output. Basically anything that a DAP server can output should in theory be parseable by tree-sitter-disassembly.