- Koi Creek Interview Prep – interview-prep.coding
- Leetcode Problems Visualized – @CoffeelessProgrammer | Instagram
- IntelliJ IDEA v2021.3
- Adoptium v17.0.1+12
- Gradle v7.4.2
- Gradle JVM v17.0.1+12
- C# Solutions – OmnicWolf/leetcode-csharp
- TypeScript Solutions – Ryo112358/leetcode-typescript
- Binary Search
- 35. Search Insert Position
- 278. First Bad Version
- 704. Binary Search
- 733. Flood Fill
- 463. Island Perimeter
- 695. Max Area of Island
- Two Pointers
- 977. Squares of a Sorted Array
- 189. Rotate Array
- 283. Move Zeroes
- 167. Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted
- Linked Lists
- 876. Middle of the Linked List
- 2095. Delete the Middle Node of a Linked List
- 19. Remove Nth Node From End of List
- Sliding Window
- 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
- 11. Container With Most Water
- 42. Trapping Rain Water
- 567. Permutation in String
- String Reversal
- 344. Reverse String
- 541. Reverse String II
- 151. Reverse Words in a String
- 557. Reverse Words in a String III
- 345. Reverse Vowels of a String
- 1. Two Sum
- 7. Reverse Integer
- 13. Roman to Integer
- 58. Length of Last Word
- 125. Valid Palindrome
- 680. Valid Palindrome II
- 844. Backspace String Compare
- 1603. Design Parking System
- 1672. Richest Customer Wealth
- 2. Add Two Numbers
- 6. ZigZag Conversion
- 12. Integer To Roman
- 1379. Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree
- 1476. Sub-rectangle Queries