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ASMdef Structure

CoffeeVampir3 edited this page Mar 29, 2021 · 9 revisions

Practical Recommendations

Graphify is broken into three assemblies, as listed below. It will be neccesary to include the GraphifyEditor assembly if you want to use custom views or stacks, it is recommended that you break your graph project into a Runtime assembly and an Editor assembly to keep things clean and simple as shown below. It's not needed to have a bridge assembly for most applications.


The runtime is lightweight, in includes absolutely only the minimum set of things that the graph needs to operate. Everything in the GraphFramework assembly EXCEPT the GraphExecutor lives in this assembly.


The bridge is a special connection that knows about both the editor and runtime assemblies. As the name suggests, this gives classes living in the bridge the ability to... bridge between the two assemblies. Go figure. The only thing utilizing this bridge is the Graph Executor, and that's because it does the job of linking the editor window (if it's open) when the graph is running in the editor.


This is where the bulk of the graph resides, all the code that is needed to configurate and build the graph lives here. Anything in the GraphFramework.Editor namespace is in this assembly. This assembly is not auto-included, don't attempt to include this assembly into a runtime build, it will not compile.