cursed image to ASCII generator made in python
converts each pixel in an image file to an ascii character so when you zoom out on notepad it looks epic and does not take a long time to run
this was written in less than 2 hours and is a mess
- Python 3.4 or higher
- A stable mental state
usage: [-h] [-o [OUTPUT]] [-b [BRIGHT]] [-c [COMPRESSION]] [-r [RATIO]] [-m [MAX CHARS]] [-t [TEXT]] image
(-h, -o, -c, -r, -m, -t and -b are not needed to run). If -o is not specified, will output to the file name + .txt
With -c specify the new width and height for the output (e.g -c 1920,1080)
With -r specify the ratio (e.g -r 5) makes the image 5 times smaller with the same height:width ratio as before
With -m specify the max number of characters
Example: python3 -o duck.txt duck.png
Supports the vast majority of image formats