?- toolbox:info_math.
Prolog Toolbox, Mathematical Functors
pi(X) X is 3.14169....
e(X) X is 2.71828....
det([[X1,X2][Y1,Y2]],D) D is the determinant
rad2grad(R,G) G=R/180*PI
grad2rad(G,R) R=G*180/PI
?- toolbox:info_vector.
Prolog Toolbox, Vector Arithmetic
vrand(N,V) vector containing N random numbers
vzero(N,V) vector containing N dimensions, all zero
vnorm(V,Vnorm) Vnorm = V / |V|
vval(V,Value) Value = |V|
vsum(V,Value) Value = Sigma(V)
vadd(V1,V2,Vres) Vres = V1 + V2
vsub(V1,V2,Vres) Vres = V2 - V1
vmul(Konst,V,Vres) Vres = Konst * V
vdiv(Konst,V,Vres) Vres = V / Konst
vdist(V1,V2,Distance) Distance = |V1 - V2|
vscal(V1,V2,Product) Product = V1 * V2
vprod(V1,V2,Vres) Vres = V1 x V2
vmix(V1,V2,V3,Res) Res = (V1 x V2) * V3
?- toolbox:info_string.
Prolog Toolbox, String handling
removesublist(ListIn,SubL,ListOut) Removes all occurencies of SubL in ListIn
sub_string(Str,From,To,Res) extracts substring From position To from Str
list2string(List,String) makes a string from a list separated by " "
list2string(List,Sep,String) makes a string from a list separated by Sep
string2list(String,Lres) makes a list of tokens from string by " "
string2list(String,Sep,Lres) makes a list of tokens from string by Sep
split(Str,Char,Res1,Res2) splits at first Char into Res1 and rest to Res2
remove_leading(Str,Char,Res) removes leading Chars from Str, always true
remove_trailing(Str,Char,Res) removes trailing Chars from Str, always true
skip(Str,Num,Res) skips Num chars in Str and returns as Res
align_left(Str,Width,Res) aligns Str to the left, appends spaces
align_right(Str,Width,Res) aligns Str to the right, fills with spaces
lower_case(Str,LowerS) changes Str to lowercase
upper_case(Str,UpperS) changes Str to uppercase
?- toolbox:info_stream.
Prolog Toolbox, Stream handling
read_txtline(String) reads a line from the current text Stream into String
read_txtline(Stream,String) reads a line from a text Stream into String
read_binline(Stream,String) reads a line from a binary Stream into String
read_txtuntil(Sep,String) reads a line from the current text Stream into String until Sep occurs
read_txtuntil(Stream,Sep,String) reads a line from a text Stream into String until Sep occurs
read_binuntil(Stream,Sep,String) reads a line from a text Stream into String until Sep occurs
write_txtline(String) writes a string to the current text stream.
write_txtline(Stream,String) writes a string to the text stream.
write_binline(Stream,String) writes a string to the binary stream.
read_n_bytes(Stream,N,Res) reads up to N bytes from the binary Stream.
read_n_chars(Stream,N,Res) reads up to N chars from the text Stream.
read_int_[BE|LE](Stream,Int) reads a 32 bit integer from the binary Stream.
read_short_[BE|LE](Stream,Int) reads a 16 bit integer from the binary Stream.
read_double_[BE|LE](Stream,Res) reads a double in ieee extended format from the binary Stream.
Licensed under GPL v3
Copyright (C) 1999-2023 Alexander Diemand
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.