API handler of Codgic Online Judge.
Literally speaking nothing has been implemented.
If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to create issues at https://github.com/Codgic/codgic-api/issues.
Recent changes will be pushed to Codgic/codgic-api soon after unit tests cover all existing functions. Pull requests will be highly appreciated by then.
- Hello Koa.
- Hello Typescript.
- Hello TypeORM.
- Hello JWT.
- Hello Gulp.
- Hello Mocha, Chai.
- Hello Travis CI.
- Hello Socket.io?
- Probably more...
- Countless bugs in problem controller and model.
- Post user with taken username / email will trigger auto increment with InnoDB (not my fault, but what if some clown keeps sending faulty requests to overflow the primary key?).
- Serval possible Database Injection vulnerabilities.
- Finish writing tests.
- Find a better way to refresh jwt.
- Fix known problems.