Coda contents migration made simple
A nice guideline on how to use the tool, please check it out:
For MacOS users, the application can be opened with: right-click > Open > Open

Please find download links on our Releases page. Pick one of available options:
links for MacOS build as zip filedmg
links for MacOS builds as commonly used Apple disk image format
- Setup for signed commits, see How to sign my commits
- NodeJS v20 LTS: setup
- Pnpm v8: setup
Install all dependencies with this command:
pnpm i
A development application will start
pnpm dev
When you finished your changes for a feature, please add a last commit to update versions for updated packages:
pnpm changeset
Tests are located alongside with its targets, or inside tests
folders. File names should be suffixed with .spec.ts
or .test.ts
Please run this command to run tests:
pnpm test
To generate test coverage:
pnpm test -- --coverage
To build distributable package please use this command:
pnpm dist
These are formats that will be produced (file named as Coda Mover-<version>
package for
zip package for MacOS
All PRs and ideas for improvement are welcomed.
If you got any issues using this package, don't hesitate to create new 🐞 Bug report.
Feel free to clone this project, make changes that your feel necessary and pull request anytime you want.
Working on your first Pull Request?
You can learn how from this free video series: How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub
To help you get your feet wet and get you familiar with our contribution process, we have a list of good first issues that contain bugs that have a relatively limited scope. This is a great place to get started.
Please follow these instructions:
First, please install nvm
following these instructions:
Then run these commands:
nvm install lts/iron
nvm alias default 20.10.0
Please ensure you are using Eslint extension v2.4.2
or older. Their latest released version v2.4.4
introduces a bug that make eslint stop working.
Something wrong with cached install of Electron. Fix this issue by re-running electron install script:
rm -rf node_modules/electron/dist && node node_modules/electron/install.js
More information electron/electron#10702 (comment)
🍻 Cheers.