Milan Coder Dojo MineCraft Mod
Features :
- custom block with custom texture for each face
- customizing Hardness, Resistance, StepSound and CreativeTab of a Block
- set item dropped on a custom block
- set item quantity dropped on a custom block
- put custom block when world is generated
- add a recipe for a custom block
- custom item
- custom item produces custom block in a furnace (smelting)
- custom sword with custom textures and material (harvestLevel, maxUses, efficiency, damage, enchantability)
- custom armor with custom textures and material (durability, reductionAmounts, enchantability)
Develop with Forge 1.7.10-
- Install forge to your Minecraft Client.
- run "./gradlew build" into the project folder
- copy build/libs/coderdojomi-1.7.10-[XXXXX].jar to ~/.minecraft/mods folder