Table of Contents
SolarWatch is a webservice where users can query the sunrise and sunset time for a given city.
It is a demo project, for practicing full-stack application development with SQL database, external API-s, user management, security etc.
- Getting the sunrise and sunset times on a given day and location using two external APIs
- Building database with the already fetched location data and sunrise/sunset times
- Security and role management
- Admin pages for editing users, cities, time data
- Responsive design
- Database initialization with default users
- Selectable UTC or local time
- Helpful search function for selecting the proper location (TODO)
- Ensure the following are installed on your computer:
- Git (
- Docker Desktop (
- Create an account at to obtain your own API key.
To set up the project locally:
- Clone the github repo to your computer by typing the following command in the command shell:
git clone
- Rename the ".env.example" file to ".env", and replace the placeholder variable values to your values:
- replace the "your_secret_key" text with a randomly created, at least 32 characters long string
- replace the "your_openweather_api_key" text with your previously obtained API key from .
- Make sure Docker Desktop is running.
- Build the application containers and run the app by typing the command below (the build process may take some minutes):
docker compose up
- Stop the app by pressing Ctrl+C in the command shell
- Remove the docker containers by entering "docker compose down" in the shell
docker compose down
- You can use the app in a web browser at this URL: http://localhost:3000/
- You can use the "Sunrise & Sunset Times" feature after signing in.
- You can sign in with one of the existing users by selecting the "Sign in" tab:
- Choose username "user0" to "user4" or log in with the user with admin rights: "admin"
- The password is always the same as the username (ie. "user0" for user0, "admin" for admin etc.)
You can also register a new user:
- Select the "Sign in" tab, and choosing "Register".
- Then login with the username / password combination given by you in the previous step.
Users can only use the "Sunrise & Sunset Times" feature after signing in. Here you can give a city name and a date to get sunrise and sunset times. By leaving the fields empty you will get the sunrise and sunset times for Budapest on the actual day in UTC time.
- With admin rights you can access the "Edit users" tab, where you are able to give roles to users or delete them.