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Echo 📣 Asynchronous Action Processing System

Echo is a Rust library designed for managing and executing asynchronous actions efficiently. It leverages a worker-stealer pattern and asynchronous queues to handle complex workflows with features like metadata management, function planning, and robust error handling.

Table of Contents


Echo provides a robust framework for defining, queuing, and executing actions asynchronously. It's designed to handle complex workflows with features like metadata management, function planning, and error handling.


  • Asynchronous Operations: Built with Rust's async/await syntax for non-blocking execution.
  • Action Planning: Define and execute actions with custom logic using a flexible Plan system.
  • Metadata Management: Attach metadata to actions for additional Life and control.
  • Error Handling: Comprehensive error management with custom Error types.
  • Retry Mechanism: Built-in retry logic for failed actions with exponential backoff.
  • Hooks: Supports pre and post-execution hooks for added flexibility.
  • Serialization: Actions can be serialized and deserialized for persistence or network transfer (in progress).

Installation 🚀

To get started with Echo, follow these steps:

  1. Add to your Cargo.toml:
Echo = { git = "HTTPS://GitHub.Com/CodeEditorLand/Echo.git" }
  1. Build the Project:
cargo build

🛠️ Usage

Here's a basic example demonstrating how to define and execute an Action:

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
	// Define the Action's logic
	let Read = |_Argument: Vec<serde_json::Value>| async move {
		// Access the provided path (replace with actual logic)
		let Path = "path/to/file.txt";

		// Simulate reading from the path
		let Content = format!("Content read from: {}", Path);


	// Create an Action Plan
	let Plan = Plan::New()
		.WithSignature(Echo::Struct::Sequence::Action::Signature::Struct {
			Name: "Read".to_string(),
		.WithFunction("Read", Read)?

	// Create a work queue
	let Production = Arc::new(Production::New());

	// Create a lifecycle Life (replace with your actual configuration)
	let Life = Life {
		Span: Arc::new(dashmap::DashMap::new()),
		Fate: Arc::new(config::Config::default()),
		Cache: Arc::new(Mutex::new(dashmap::DashMap::new())),
		Karma: Arc::new(dashmap::DashMap::new()),

	// Define a Site to execute actions
	struct SimpleSite;

	impl Site for SimpleSite {
		async fn Receive(
			Action: Box<dyn ActionTrait>,
			Life: &Life,
		) -> Result<(), Error> {
	let Site = Arc::new(SimpleSite);

	// Create an Action Sequence
	let Sequence = Arc::new(Sequence::New(Site, Production.clone(), Life));

	// Create an Action and add it to the queue
	let Action = Action::New(


	// Run the Sequence


use serde_json::json;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::sync::Mutex;

use Echo::Sequence::{
	Action::{Error::Enum as Error, Struct as Action, Trait as ActionTrait},
	Life::Struct as Life,
	Plan::{Formality::Struct as Formality, Struct as Plan},
	Production::Struct as Production,
	Site::Trait as Site,
	Struct as Sequence,

🏛️ Architecture

Core Components

  • Action: Represents a unit of Production with associated metadata, content, and execution logic.
  • Plan: Defines the structure and functions for different Action types.
  • Production: A thread-safe queue for managing pending actions.
  • Site: Implements the logic for receiving and executing actions from the queue.
  • Sequence: Orchestrates the execution of actions using workers and the work queue.
  • Life: Provides a shared Life and configuration for actions during execution.


State Diagram

    [*] --> Library
    Library --> Enum
    Library --> Struct
    Library --> Trait
    Library --> Type
    Enum --> Sequence
    Sequence --> Action
    Action --> Error
    Struct --> Sequence
    Sequence --> Action
    Action --> Signature
    Sequence --> Life
    Sequence --> Plan
    Plan --> Formality
    Sequence --> Production
    Sequence --> Signal
    Sequence --> Vector
    Trait --> Sequence
    Sequence --> Action
    Sequence --> Site
    Type --> Sequence
    Sequence --> Action
    Action --> Cycle

Class Diagram

    class `Enum::Sequence::Action::Error` {
    class `Struct::Sequence::Action::Signature` {
    class `Struct::Sequence::Action` {
    class `Struct::Sequence::Life` {
    class `Struct::Sequence::Plan::Formality` {
    class `Struct::Sequence::Plan` {
    class `Struct::Sequence::Production` {
    class `Struct::Sequence::Signal` {
    class `Struct::Sequence::Vector` {
    class `Struct::Sequence` {
    class `Trait::Sequence::Action` {
    class `Trait::Sequence::Site` {
    `Enum::Sequence::Action::Error` --|> `thiserror::Error`
    `Struct::Sequence::Action` --|> `serde::Serialize`
    `Struct::Sequence::Action` --|> `serde::Deserialize`
    `Struct::Sequence::Action` --|> `Trait::Sequence::Action`
    `Struct::Sequence::Plan::Formality` --|> `std::fmt::Debug`
    `Struct::Sequence::Plan` *-- `Struct::Sequence::Plan::Formality`
    `Struct::Sequence` *-- `Trait::Sequence::Site`
    `Struct::Sequence` *-- `Struct::Sequence::Production`
    `Struct::Sequence` *-- `Struct::Sequence::Life`
    `Trait::Sequence::Action` <.. `Struct::Sequence::Life`
    `Trait::Sequence::Action` <.. `Enum::Sequence::Action::Error`
    `Trait::Sequence::Site` --|> `async_trait::async_trait`
    `Trait::Sequence::Site` <.. `Trait::Sequence::Action`
    `Trait::Sequence::Site` <.. `Struct::Sequence::Life`
    `Trait::Sequence::Site` <.. `Enum::Sequence::Action::Error`

Sequence Diagram

    participant Client
    participant Action
    participant Metadata
    participant License
    participant Context
    participant Plan
    participant Hooks
    participant Function

    activate Client
    Client->>Action: Execute(Context)
    activate Action
    Note right of Action: The client initiates the execution of an action represented by the 'Action' object

    Action->>Metadata: Get("Action")
    alt "Action" not found
        Action->>Action: Return Error
        Note right of Action: Returns an error if "Action" is not found in the metadata
    else "Action" found
        Metadata-->>Action: Return Action
        Action->>License: Get()
        alt License Invalid
            Action->>Action: Return Error
            Note right of Action: Return an error if the action is not properly licensed
        else License Valid
            Action->>Metadata: Get("Delay")
            alt Delay exists
                Metadata-->>Action: Return Delay
                Action->>Action: sleep(Delay)
                Note right of Action: If a delay is specified, wait for the given duration
            Action->>Metadata: Get("Hooks")
            alt Hooks exist
                Metadata-->>Action: Return Hooks
                loop Hook in Hooks
                    Action->>Context: Span.get(Hook)
                    alt Hook Function found
                        Context-->>Action: Return HookFn
                        Action->>HookFn: call()
                        alt HookFn Error
                            Action->>Action: Return Error
                            Note right of Action: If a hook function returns an error, stop execution and return the error
            Action->>Plan: Remove(Action)
            alt Function not found
                Action->>Action: Return Error
                Note right of Action: Return an error if no function is found for the given action
            else Function found
                Plan-->>Action: Return Function
                Action->>Action: Argument()
                Action->>Function: call(Argument)
                activate Function
                Function-->>Action: Return Result
                deactivate Function
                alt Function Error
                    Action->>Action: Return Error
                    Note right of Action: If the function execution returns an error, propagate the error
                else Function Success
                    Action->>Action: Result(Result)
                    Action->>Metadata: Get("NextAction")
                    alt NextAction exists
                        Metadata-->>Action: Return NextAction
                        Action->>Action: Execute(NextAction, Context)
                        alt NextAction Error
                            Action->>Action: Return Error
                            Note right of Action: If the execution of the next action results in an error, return the error
    deactivate Action
    Client->>Client: Return Result
    Note right of Client: Returns the result of the action execution, which can be a success or an error

Contributing 🤝

Contributions are welcome! Please see for guidelines and feel free to submit a Pull Request.


See for a history of changes to this component.