This repository was archived by the owner on Jun 25, 2020. It is now read-only.
Breaking changes
- #189: Handle bool in yaml
In a YAML frontmatter like the following:
active: true
Recognize that the value of "active" is a boolean and convert it in the datas for DotLiquid so that it is possible to use it in a template like that:
{% if == true %}
Like in Jekyll.
But this will cause a breaking change if anyone have a
{% if == 'true' %}
in a template.
- #181: Added new Jekyll filters and tags by switchspan
- DateToLongStringFilter
- DateToStringFilter
- NumberOfWordsFilter
- CgiEscapeFilter
- UriEscapeFilter
- CommentBlock
- PostUrlBlock
- #185: Allow all *.md, *.mkd, *.mkdn, *.mdown and *.markdown files to be processed
- Add a cleantarget argument which deletes the target directory (_site), like Jekyll does by default
- Improve less compilation
- Add include and exclude configuration features, like in Jekyll
- #189: Add support for category in page permalinks by dkarzon
- #186: site.title can be valorized in _config.yaml and page.ig is generated for every posts and pages