Welcome to CoFra-CaLa!
If you have any questions, please contact silascorreia.lobo@carissma.eu
Welcome to CoFra-CaLa!
If you have any questions, please contact silascorreia.lobo@carissma.eu
ROS package for collision warning based on the TTC calculated with a circle-based algorithm
Forked from riebl/ros_etsi_its_msgs
ROS equivalents of ETSI ITS messages (CAM and DENM)
Forked from silaslobo/InTAS
InTAS is the Ingolstadt traffic scenario for SUMO, which was designed, developed and validated with real traffic data from measuring points.
Forked from usdot-fhwa-stol/carma-msgs
ROS Message definitions used by the CARMA Platform
ROS package for collision warning based on the TTC calculated with a circle-based algorithm
ROS equivalents of ETSI ITS messages (CAM and DENM)
Open-source implementation of the ETSI C-ITS protocol stack
ROS Message definitions used by the CARMA Platform
InTAS is the Ingolstadt traffic scenario for SUMO, which was designed, developed and validated with real traffic data from measuring points.
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