ConnPort preprocessing for resting-state fMRI data.
Groovy is a number of MATLAB scripts using SPM functions to pre-process resting-state fMRI data.
- MATLAB r2014a (tested)
- SPM12
Download and unzip the scripts to a directory, then be sure to add that
directory to MATLAB's search path. You can test installation by typing
which batch_preprocess
in MATLAB and checking the file path.
Groovy takes unprocessed, uncompressed NIFTI EPI files as input.
The params.m file has settings to adjust. It's best to copy or move params.m to the parent directory of subject data. Then you can save different settings for different scans as separate params.m files.
In params.m, the complete file path to your data will be:
The variable global_params.fdata_root
will by default be the MATLAB current
working directory. You can also specify a different path in params.m.
The all_subjects
variable contains a list of subject IDs. The script will
look for those IDs as separate directories when running. By default,
is populated with all the directories in the
Within those subject ID directories, the script will look into rs_dir
, which
can be a filepath with multiple directories (just separate with the usual /
By default, this is set to the my_sesses
variable, which by default contains
all the directories within each subject directory. If you don't have separate
sessions, set my_sesses = '';
and rs_dir
to whatever directory inside the
subject directory the data is in. Set rs_dir = '';
if the images are within
the subject directories themselves. The value of rs_dir
can specify longer
filepaths, for example, rs_dir = '<top_level_dir>/<lower_level_dir>'
Finally, the script has a regular expression filter, sub_struct.raw_filter
to find input files within rs_dir
directories. Construct a regular expression
pattern that will match all unprocessed files you wish to preprocess.
Other important parameters to review in params.m include
- TR:
- number of volumes:
The number of slices per volume is calculated per image (using spm_vol
). The
slice time duration is calculated as TR/(number of slices per volume).
After configuring params.m, simply run batch_preprocess
in MATLAB to
preprocess the data. (batch_preprocess
needs to be in MATLAB's search
Preprocessed files are placed in the same directory as the input data. Prefixes are attached to the filenames to signify that they are the output of a certain preprocessing step.
The prefixes:
slice-time correctedar{filename}
normalized to MNI space
If MATLAB displays an error containing "cannot load any more object with static TLS", try increasing the Java heap memory to the maximum amount (Home>Preferences>General>Java Heap Memory>Java Heap Size) and then restart MATLAB