This repository contains code for implementing the spiking cortico-basal ganglia-thalamus (CBGT) network and drift-diffusion model (DDM) fits described in the manuscript Identifying control ensembles for information processing within the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamic circuit.
The code requires several dependencies to be installed (see below for instructions). After completing the installation procedure below, the demo notebook can be downloaded and opened inside Jupyter.
# create a new conda environment with python 3.6
# and hit 'y' to verify the install
conda create -n cbgt_env python=3.6 anaconda ipykernel
# activate 'cbgt_env' environment
source activate cbgt_env
# use conda (not pip) to install pymc
conda install pymc=2.3.6 --no-deps
# install hddm and kabuki
pip install --upgrade kabuki hddm
# finally install numpy version 1.11.3
# (avoids hddm incompatibility with later numpy)
pip install numpy==1.11.3
# install cbgt package
pip install -U cbgt --no-cache-dir
- After installing everything, run
jupyter notebook
in your terminal to start Jupyter in your browser - Drag/drop the demo notebook (
) into the Jupyter browser window
- HDDM resources: (methods paper, demo, how-to)
- Jupyter Notebook tutorial