This repo is a bare-bones MVP for CoEpi.
For Android, simply install the client app
For iOS, you'll need a special build of the client, and you'll need to be logged in with the coepi expo account. contact Ryan Bennett on Slack for the password and a link to install the special build of the client app.
Once you have the Expo App, you should be able to open the latest version on your phone.
Ensure that you have the latest versions of NodeJS and Yarn installed.
$ yarn global add expo-cli
$ git clone
$ cd mvp
$ yarn
$ expo start
The expo start
command will start a daemon to watch files for changes and rebuild, and it will launch your default webbrowser with a dashboard containing, among other things, options to open the app in iOS/Android simulators or on a physical device via scanned QR code.
Note: When using a physical device, you'll need the expo client app installed (see testing above). Also; be sure that you're dev machine and phone are both on the same LAN (if this is not possible, expo also offers a tunneling option, but LAN is the default and is faster).
- ExpoKit Easy access to many cross-platform native features
- NativeBase UI components with a native feel for both iOS & Android
- xstate State management via finite state machines
- react-navigation for screen navigation
- App.js - pre-boot App entrypoint
- app.json - expo build configuration
- assets/ - static assets (images)
- src/
- App.js - post-boot App entrypoint
- boot.js - boot screen
- theme/ - tons of styling for NativeBase
- state/ - state machine definitions
- components/ - UI & feature building blocks
- screens/ - app screens