My ID is Cnily03, AKA TampooCat.
🌐 Website: /
🎲 Playing: MineCraft, Star Rail
📖 Directions: AI Security / Natural Language Processing
🩷 Interests: Compiler Design / Web Backend
一站式在线弹幕追番平台:聚合数据源与弹幕,Bangumi 追番进度管理,BitTorrent,缓存... 100% Compose Multiplatform
Proxy to another HTTP connection via cloudflare workers, including Docker Hub, Github.
Single-Cycle CPU for Homework of Computer System Design in CUMT
Verilog 11
Automatically upload and update your SSL certificates to cloud service.
TypeScript 1
# *
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# * Move value from an environment variable or a file to another.