Client for AVR-based JTAG programmer:
It's based on Lib(X)SVF ( so you can use it to flash SVF or XSVF files. Use MinGW ( to compile it for Windows if need. Linux users are welome too.
How to use:
Usage: clujtag [ -v ... ] -p portname { -s svf-file | -x xsvf-file | -c }
- -p portname - use specified serial port for communication with programmer (COMxx for Windows and /dev/ttyxxx for Linux)
- -v, -vv, -vvv, -vvvv - verbose, more verbose and even more verbose
- -s svf-file - play the specified SVF file
- -x xsvf-file - play the specified XSVF file
- -c - list devices in JTAG chain
>clujtag -p COM16 -c
Scanning JTAG chain...
Device found: idcode=0x170640dd, revision=0x1, part=0x7064, manufactor=0x06e
>clujtag -v -p /dev/ttyACM0 -s MMC1.svf
Copyright (C) 2009 RIEGL Research ForschungsGmbH
Copyright (C) 2009 Clifford Wolf <>
Copyright (C) 2014 Cluster <>
Lib(X)SVF is free software licensed under the ISC license.
Playing SVF file `MMC1.svf'.