Releases: CloudyDino/tasks-scheduler
Releases · CloudyDino/tasks-scheduler
- You can kinda reorder topics (mostly you can move them to the front).
- Tasks drag/drop looks nicer since I added the margin to the Droppable instead of its child.
- Prevents the bug where the schedule becomes too wide because of tasks with long text.
- Change header from Tasks to Lists
- Make tasks and buttons not look so washed out
Force dark mode for now and make the button to add topics bigger. The schedule also doesn't shrink now!
You can now sort of, kind of, maybe, edit your tasks by double clicking on them. Let me know if you run into any bugs though!
Adds dates to the tasks! You can now add, remove, and change the date of the task.
- Create storage outline if it doesn't already exist (config.json inside of AppData/Roaming/Tasks Scheduler/)
- Remove textarea outline and delete when it loses focus
- Create and delete topics!
- Allows you to drag to an empty schedule
- Auto focuses on the textbox when creating a new task
- Removes unnecessary menu
- Uses dark scrollbar
- Make a Basic To-Do App
- No way to add topics yet besides editing json