A bot using discord.py and asyncpraw to return 10 results from any subreddit.
$posts cars top 2 - this command will return the top 2 results for the subreddit news
$google cars - this will return any results found using degoogle
- Commands:
- (Current) Usage: $posts [(subreddit)] [new/top] [Number of Posts]
- Add more features with commands.
- Messages - Return each post link instead of a list, format each response, create more detailed views.
- Content - Use more APIs to gather interesting data to post to discord (eg. Financial news, security news,weather reports, youtube)
- Degoogle - optimize and make search results more robust and relevant
- Fix install script for degoogle git repository and automatic virtulenv setup
- git clone
- cd reddit-discord/bot
- python -m pip install -r requirememnts.txt
- python -m virtualenv venv
- ./venv/scripts/activate or source ./venv/bin/activate (depending on MS or Linux)
- python bot.py