This repository propose a bunch of samples on how to use the AppCoreKit Framework. AppCoreKit is an application framework designed to improve productivity while creating Apps for iOS. This is the result of a 3 years experience at Wherecloud and is a production framework that shipped more than 20 apps.
AppCoreKit do not offers out of the box UI components but the technology to help you manage your data, automatic serialization, type conversions, network, view controllers, ui vs. models synchronization, appearance customization, responsive view layouts, forms, maps, objective-C runtime apis and more.
Keep in mind that AppCoreKit is a toolbox. It is non intrusive so that you can cherry pick features and learn how to use it at your own pace.
You can clone this repository and try the samples right now as the framework is embedded in the repository as a pre-compiled binary static framework.
The AppCoreKit source repository is available at at
AppCoreKit supports all iOS versions 4.3 and higher.
The iOS 7 integration is in process. We'll regularly release new framework binaries during this phase! Please be patient ;)
To integrate the AppCoreKit Api documentation into Xcode, copy the following file:
Drag'n'drop AppCoreKit.framework, VendorsKit.framework, ResourceManager.framework and DropboxSDK.framework from the ./Frameworks folder into your Xcode project.
Add the following frameworks and libraries to your project :
libstdc++.dylib, UIKit, Foundation, CoreGraphics, AddressBook, CoreData, QuartzCore, CoreLocation, MapKit, MediaPlayer, CoreFoundation, CFNetwork, SystemConfiguration, MobileCoreServices, Security, AdSupport.
- Add the following link flags in your build settings (OTHER_LDFLAGS) :
-ObjC -all_load -lxml2 -licucore -lz -weak_library /usr/lib/libstdc++.dylib
- As Xcode do not natively support static frameworks especially for resources, you'll need to add a post build phase if you'd like to use some components. In the build phase for your target, add a "Run Script" build phase and add the following script :
YOUR_FRAMEWORKS_PATH="$PROJECT_DIR/../../Frameworks/" sh "$YOUR_FRAMEWORKS_PATH/" --system-developer-dir "$SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_DIR" --executable-name "$EXECUTABLE_NAME" --frameworks-dir "$YOUR_FRAMEWORKS_PATH" --target-build-dir "$TARGET_BUILD_DIR" --project "$PROJECT" --project-dir "$PROJECT_DIR"
If you have any comments, suggestions, question or information request, please contact us at