This repository is a free implementation of the TPC-DS Query #3 benchmark (see:
For more information on the benchmarks and a comparison with Spark-Dataproc and Google BigQuery, check this blog:
- In your Google project, create a BigQuery dataset
- Load the 3 tables with the already generated data (this command supposes that the dataset just created is called tpcds_1TB):
bq load --source_format PARQUET tpcds_1TB.store_sales gs://beam-tpcds/datasets/parquet/nonpartitioned/1000GB/store_sales/part*.snappy.parquet
bq load --source_format PARQUET tpcds_1TB.date_dim gs://beam-tpcds/datasets/parquet/nonpartitioned/1000GB/date_dim/part*.snappy.parquet
bq load --source_format PARQUET tpcds_1TB.item gs://beam-tpcds/datasets/parquet/nonpartitioned/1000GB/item/part*.snappy.parquet
- Edit the file and fill the TODOs. Make sure that the regions between the BigQuery dataset, the GCS bucket and where the Dataflow code runs are aligned.
- Launch the Main class
This code is provided by CTS as an example. It is not meant to be run in any "production environment", and CTS does not aim to maintain it. For these reasons, we won't accept any Pull Request.