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simone-silvestri committed Nov 3, 2023
1 parent 9e101f5 commit 6a9fe65
Showing 1 changed file with 348 additions and 1 deletion.
349 changes: 348 additions & 1 deletion src/OrthogonalSphericalShellGrids.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,352 @@
module OrthogonalSphericalShellGrids

# Write your package code here.
using Oceananigans
using Oceananigans.Grids: R_Earth

using Oceananigans.Fields: index_binary_search
using Oceananigans.Architectures: device, arch_array
using JLD2

using Oceananigans.Grids: halo_size, spherical_area_quadrilateral
using Oceananigans.Grids: lat_lon_to_cartesian
using OffsetArrays
using Oceananigans.Operators

using KernelAbstractions: @kernel, @index
using Oceananigans.Grids: generate_coordinate

using Oceananigans.BoundaryConditions

@inline function linear_interpolate(x₀, x, y, offset)
x₁, x₂ = index_binary_search(x, x₀, length(x))

x₁ += ceil(Int, offset)
x₂ += ceil(Int, offset)

@inbounds begin
y₁ = y[x₁]
y₂ = y[x₂]

if x₁ == x₂
return y₁
return (y₂ - y₁) / (x₂ - x₁) * (x₀ - x₁) + y₁

@inline function linear_interpolate(x₀, x, y)
i₁, i₂ = index_binary_search(x, x₀, length(x))

@inbounds begin
x₁ = x[i₁]
x₂ = x[i₂]
y₁ = y[i₁]
y₂ = y[i₂]

if x₁ == x₂
return y₁
return (y₂ - y₁) / (x₂ - x₁) * (x₀ - x₁) + y₁

function secant_root_find(j₀, j₁, f; tol = 1e-12)
r = j₁ - f(j₁) * (j₁ - j₀) / (f(j₁) - f(j₀))
while abs(f(r)) > tol
j₀ = j₁
j₁ = r
r = j₁ - f(j₁) * (j₁ - j₀) / (f(j₁) - f(j₀))
return r

@kernel function compute_coords!(jnum, xnum, ynum, Δλᶠᵃᵃ, Jeq, f_interpolator, g_interpolator)
i = @index(Global, Linear)
N = size(xnum, 2)
@inbounds begin
h = (90 - Δλᶠᵃᵃ * i) * 2π / 360
xnum[i, 1], ynum[i, 1] = cos(h), sin(h)
Δx = xnum[i, 1] / N
xnum[i, 2] = xnum[i, 1] - Δx
ynum[i, 2] = ynum[i, 1] - Δx * tan(h)
for n in 3:N
func(x) = xnum[i, n-1]^2 + ynum[i, n-1]^2 - ynum[i, n-1] * (f_interpolator(x) + g_interpolator(x)) + f_interpolator(x) * g_interpolator(x)
jnum[i, n-1] = secant_root_find(Jeq, Jeq+1, func)
xnum[i, n] = xnum[i, n-1] - Δx
ynum[i, n] = ynum[i, n-1] - Δx * (1.5 * (2ynum[i, n-1] - f_interpolator(jnum[i, n-1]) - g_interpolator(jnum[i, n-1])) / (2 * xnum[i, n-1]) -
0.5 * (2ynum[i, n-2] - f_interpolator(jnum[i, n-2]) - g_interpolator(jnum[i, n-1])) / (2 * xnum[i, n-2]))
@show i

function haversine(a, b, radius)
λ₁, φ₁ = a
λ₂, φ₂ = b

x₁, y₁, z₁ = lat_lon_to_cartesian(φ₁, λ₁, radius)
x₂, y₂, z₂ = lat_lon_to_cartesian(φ₂, λ₂, radius)

return radius * acos(max(-1.0, min((x₁ * x₂ + y₁ * y₂ + z₁ * z₂) / radius^2, 1.0)))

@inline equator_fcurve(φ) = - sqrt((tan((90 - φ) / 360 * π))^2)

@inline stretching_function(φ) =^2 / 145^2)

@inline quadratic_f_curve(φ) = equator_fcurve(φ) + stretching_function(φ)
@inline quadratic_g_curve(φ) = - equator_fcurve(φ) + stretching_function(φ)

# Only for Domains Periodic in λ (from -180 to 180 degrees) and Bounded in φ.
# For all the rest we can use a rotated `LatitudeLongitudeGrid` without warping
function WarpedLatitudeLongitudeGrid(arch = CPU();
southermost_latitude = -75,
halo = (4, 4, 4),
radius = R_Earth,
z = (0, 1),
f_curve = quadratic_f_curve,
g_curve = quadratic_g_curve,
top_index = 20)

latitude = (southermost_latitude, 90)
longitude = (-180, 180)

Nλ, Nφ, Nz = size
Hλ, Hφ, Hz = halo

Lφ, φᵃᶠᵃ, φᵃᶜᵃ, Δφᵃᶠᵃ, Δφᵃᶜᵃ = generate_coordinate(Float64, Bounded(), Nφ, Hφ, latitude, , CPU())
Lλ, λᶠᵃᵃ, λᶜᵃᵃ, Δλᶠᵃᵃ, Δλᶜᵃᵃ = generate_coordinate(Float64, Periodic(), Nλ, Hλ, longitude, , CPU())

λF = zeros(Nλ+1, Nφ+1)
φF = zeros(Nλ+1, Nφ+1)

# Identify equator line
J = Ref(0)
for j in 1:+1
if φᵃᶠᵃ[j] < 0
J[] = j

Jeq = J[] + 1

fⱼ = zeros(Jeq:+1)
gⱼ = zeros(Jeq:+1)

x = zeros(Nλ+1, Jeq:+1)
y = zeros(Nλ+1, Jeq:+1)

xt = zeros(Nλ+1, Nφ+1)
yt = zeros(Nλ+1, Nφ+1)

for j in 1:+1
fⱼ[j] = f_curve(φᵃᶠᵃ[j])
gⱼ[j] = g_curve(φᵃᶠᵃ[j])

fy = fⱼ
gy = gⱼ
fx = Float64.(collect(Jeq:+1))

f_interpolator(j) = linear_interpolate(j, fx, fy, Jeq - 1)
g_interpolator(j) = linear_interpolate(j, fx, gy, Jeq - 1)

Nsol = 5000
xnum = zeros(1:+1, Nsol)
ynum = zeros(1:+1, Nsol)
jnum = zeros(1:+1, Nsol)

loop! = compute_coords!(device(CPU()), min(256, Nλ+1), Nλ+1)
loop!(jnum, xnum, ynum, Δλᶠᵃᵃ, Jeq, f_interpolator, g_interpolator)

for i in 1:+1
for j in 1:Jeq-1
h = (90 - Δλᶠᵃᵃ * i) * 2π / 360
xt[i, j] = - fⱼ[j] * cos(h)
yt[i, j] = - fⱼ[j] * sin(h)
for j in Jeq:+1
x[i, j] = linear_interpolate(j, jnum[i, :], xnum[i, :])
y[i, j] = linear_interpolate(j, jnum[i, :], ynum[i, :])
xt[i, j] = x[i, j]
yt[i, j] = y[i, j]

for i in 1:+1
for j in 1:+1
λF[i, j] = - 180 / π * (atan(yt[i, j] / xt[i, j]))
φF[i, j] = 90 - 360 / π * atan(sqrt(yt[i, j]^2 + xt[i, j]^2))

# Rotate the λ direction accordingly
for i in 1:÷2
λF[i, :] .-= 90
λF[i+÷2, :] .+= 90

# Remove the top of the grid
λF = λF[1:end-1, 1:end-top_index]
φF = φF[1:end-1, 1:end-top_index]

λF = circshift(λF, (1, 0))
φF = circshift(φF, (1, 0))

Nx = length(λF[:, 1])
Ny = length(λF[:, 2]) - 1

Zgrid = RectilinearGrid(; size = Nz, halo = Hz, topology = (Flat, Flat, Bounded), z)

# z-direction from the rectilinear grid
zᵃᵃᶠ = Zgrid.zᵃᵃᶠ
zᵃᵃᶜ = Zgrid.zᵃᵃᶜ
Δzᵃᵃᶠ = Zgrid.Δzᵃᵃᶠ
Δzᵃᵃᶜ = Zgrid.Δzᵃᵃᶜ
Lz = Zgrid.Lz

grid = RectilinearGrid(; size = (Nx, Ny, 1), halo, topology = (Periodic, Bounded, Bounded), z = (0, 1), x = (0, 1), y = (0, 1))

lF = Field((Face, Face, Center), grid)
pF = Field((Face, Face, Center), grid)

set!(lF, λF)
set!(pF, φF)

fill_halo_regions!((lF, pF))

λᶠᶠᵃ =[:, :, 1]
φᶠᶠᵃ =[:, :, 1]

λᶠᶠᵃ[:, 0] .= λᶠᶠᵃ[:, 1]
φᶠᶠᵃ[:, 0] .= φᶠᶠᵃ[:, 1]

λᶠᶠᵃ[:, Ny+1] .= λᶠᶠᵃ[:, Ny]
φᶠᶠᵃ[:, Ny+1] .= φᶠᶠᵃ[:, Ny]

λᶜᶠᵃ = OffsetArray(zeros(size(λᶠᶠᵃ)), λᶠᶠᵃ.offsets...)
λᶜᶜᵃ = OffsetArray(zeros(size(λᶠᶠᵃ)), λᶠᶠᵃ.offsets...)

λᶠᶜᵃ = 0.5 .* OffsetArray(λᶠᶠᵃ.parent[:, 2:end] .+ λᶠᶠᵃ.parent[:, 1:end-1], λᶠᶠᵃ.offsets...);
φᶠᶜᵃ = 0.5 .* OffsetArray(φᶠᶠᵃ.parent[:, 2:end] .+ φᶠᶠᵃ.parent[:, 1:end-1], φᶠᶠᵃ.offsets...);
φᶜᶠᵃ = 0.5 .* OffsetArray(φᶠᶠᵃ.parent[2:end, :] .+ φᶠᶠᵃ.parent[1:end-1, :], φᶠᶠᵃ.offsets...);
φᶜᶜᵃ = 0.5 .* OffsetArray(φᶜᶠᵃ.parent[:, 2:end] .+ φᶜᶠᵃ.parent[:, 1:end-1], φᶜᶠᵃ.offsets...);

# The λᶜᶠᵃ points need to be handled individually (λ jumps between -180 and 180)
# and cannot average between them, find a better way to do this
for i in 1:size(λᶜᶠᵃ, 1) - 1
for j in 1:size(λᶜᶠᵃ, 2) - 1
λᶜᶠᵃ.parent[i, j] = if abs(λᶠᶠᵃ.parent[i+1, j] .- λᶠᶠᵃ.parent[i, j]) > 100
(λᶠᶠᵃ.parent[i+1, j] .- λᶠᶠᵃ.parent[i, j]) / 2
(λᶠᶠᵃ.parent[i+1, j] .+ λᶠᶠᵃ.parent[i, j]) / 2

λᶜᶜᵃ = 0.5 .* OffsetArray(λᶜᶠᵃ.parent[:, 2:end] .+ λᶜᶠᵃ.parent[:, 1:end-1], λᶜᶠᵃ.offsets...);

# Metrics
Δxᶜᶜᵃ = zeros(Nx, Ny )
Δxᶠᶜᵃ = zeros(Nx, Ny )
Δxᶜᶠᵃ = zeros(Nx, Ny+1)
Δxᶠᶠᵃ = zeros(Nx, Ny+1)

Δyᶜᶜᵃ = zeros(Nx, Ny )
Δyᶠᶜᵃ = zeros(Nx, Ny )
Δyᶜᶠᵃ = zeros(Nx, Ny+1)
Δyᶠᶠᵃ = zeros(Nx, Ny+1)

Azᶜᶜᵃ = zeros(Nx, Ny )
Azᶠᶜᵃ = zeros(Nx, Ny )
Azᶜᶠᵃ = zeros(Nx, Ny+1)
Azᶠᶠᵃ = zeros(Nx, Ny+1)

@inbounds begin
for i in 1:Nx, j in 1:Ny
Δxᶜᶜᵃ[i, j] = haversine((λᶠᶜᵃ[i+1, j], φᶠᶜᵃ[i+1, j]), (λᶠᶜᵃ[i, j], φᶠᶜᵃ[i, j]), radius)
Δxᶠᶜᵃ[i, j] = haversine((λᶜᶜᵃ[i, j], φᶜᶜᵃ[i, j]), (λᶜᶜᵃ[i-1, j], φᶜᶜᵃ[i-1, j]), radius)
Δxᶜᶠᵃ[i, j] = haversine((λᶠᶠᵃ[i+1, j], φᶠᶠᵃ[i+1, j]), (λᶠᶠᵃ[i, j], φᶠᶠᵃ[i, j]), radius)
Δxᶠᶠᵃ[i, j] = haversine((λᶜᶠᵃ[i, j], φᶜᶠᵃ[i, j]), (λᶜᶠᵃ[i-1, j], φᶜᶠᵃ[i-1, j]), radius)

Δyᶜᶜᵃ[i, j] = haversine((λᶜᶠᵃ[i, j+1], φᶜᶠᵃ[i, j+1]), (λᶜᶠᵃ[i, j], φᶜᶠᵃ[i, j]), radius)
Δyᶜᶠᵃ[i, j] = haversine((λᶜᶜᵃ[i, j ], φᶜᶜᵃ[i, j]), (λᶜᶜᵃ[i, j-1], φᶜᶜᵃ[i, j-1]), radius)
Δyᶠᶜᵃ[i, j] = haversine((λᶠᶠᵃ[i, j+1], φᶠᶠᵃ[i, j+1]), (λᶠᶠᵃ[i, j], φᶠᶠᵃ[i, j]), radius)
Δyᶠᶠᵃ[i, j] = haversine((λᶠᶜᵃ[i, j ], φᶠᶜᵃ[i, j]), (λᶠᶜᵃ[i, j-1], φᶠᶜᵃ[i, j-1]), radius)

a = lat_lon_to_cartesian(φᶠᶠᵃ[ i , j ], λᶠᶠᵃ[ i , j ], 1)
b = lat_lon_to_cartesian(φᶠᶠᵃ[i+1, j ], λᶠᶠᵃ[i+1, j ], 1)
c = lat_lon_to_cartesian(φᶠᶠᵃ[i+1, j+1], λᶠᶠᵃ[i+1, j+1], 1)
d = lat_lon_to_cartesian(φᶠᶠᵃ[ i , j+1], λᶠᶠᵃ[ i , j+1], 1)

Azᶜᶜᵃ[i, j] = spherical_area_quadrilateral(a, b, c, d) * radius^2

a = lat_lon_to_cartesian(φᶜᶠᵃ[i-1, j ], λᶜᶠᵃ[i-1, j ], 1)
b = lat_lon_to_cartesian(φᶜᶠᵃ[ i , j ], λᶜᶠᵃ[ i , j ], 1)
c = lat_lon_to_cartesian(φᶜᶠᵃ[ i , j+1], λᶜᶠᵃ[ i , j+1], 1)
d = lat_lon_to_cartesian(φᶜᶠᵃ[i-1, j+1], λᶜᶠᵃ[i-1, j+1], 1)

Azᶠᶜᵃ[i, j] = spherical_area_quadrilateral(a, b, c, d) * radius^2

a = lat_lon_to_cartesian(φᶠᶜᵃ[ i , j-1], λᶠᶜᵃ[ i , j-1], 1)
b = lat_lon_to_cartesian(φᶠᶜᵃ[i+1, j-1], λᶠᶜᵃ[i+1, j-1], 1)
c = lat_lon_to_cartesian(φᶠᶜᵃ[i+1, j ], λᶠᶜᵃ[i+1, j ], 1)
d = lat_lon_to_cartesian(φᶠᶜᵃ[ i , j ], λᶠᶜᵃ[ i , j ], 1)

Azᶜᶠᵃ[i, j] = spherical_area_quadrilateral(a, b, c, d) * radius^2

a = lat_lon_to_cartesian(φᶜᶜᵃ[i-1, j-1], λᶜᶜᵃ[i-1, j-1], 1)
b = lat_lon_to_cartesian(φᶜᶜᵃ[ i , j-1], λᶜᶜᵃ[ i , j-1], 1)
c = lat_lon_to_cartesian(φᶜᶜᵃ[ i , j ], λᶜᶜᵃ[ i , j ], 1)
d = lat_lon_to_cartesian(φᶜᶜᵃ[i-1, j ], λᶜᶜᵃ[i-1, j ], 1)

Azᶠᶠᵃ[i, j] = spherical_area_quadrilateral(a, b, c, d) * radius^2

# Metrics fields to fill halos
FF = Field((Face, Face, Center), grid)
FC = Field((Face, Center, Center), grid)
CF = Field((Center, Face, Center), grid)
CC = Field((Center, Center, Center), grid)

# Fill all periodic halos
set!(FF, Δxᶠᶠᵃ); set!(CF, Δxᶜᶠᵃ); set!(FC, Δxᶠᶜᵃ); set!(CC, Δxᶜᶜᵃ);
fill_halo_regions!((FF, CF, FC, CC))
Δxᶠᶠᵃ =[:, :, 1];
Δxᶜᶠᵃ =[:, :, 1];
Δxᶠᶜᵃ =[:, :, 1];
Δxᶜᶜᵃ =[:, :, 1];
set!(FF, Δyᶠᶠᵃ); set!(CF, Δyᶜᶠᵃ); set!(FC, Δyᶠᶜᵃ); set!(CC, Δyᶜᶜᵃ);
fill_halo_regions!((FF, CF, FC, CC))
Δyᶠᶠᵃ =[:, :, 1];
Δyᶜᶠᵃ =[:, :, 1];
Δyᶠᶜᵃ =[:, :, 1];
Δyᶜᶜᵃ =[:, :, 1];
set!(FF, Azᶠᶠᵃ); set!(CF, Azᶜᶠᵃ); set!(FC, Azᶠᶜᵃ); set!(CC, Azᶜᶜᵃ);
fill_halo_regions!((FF, CF, FC, CC))
Azᶠᶠᵃ =[:, :, 1];
Azᶜᶠᵃ =[:, :, 1];
Azᶠᶜᵃ =[:, :, 1];
Azᶜᶜᵃ =[:, :, 1];

Hx, Hy, Hz = halo

grid = OrthogonalSphericalShellGrid{Periodic, Bounded, Bounded}(arch,
Nx, Ny, Nz,
Hx, Hy, Hz,
convert(eltype(radius), Lz),
arch_array(arch, λᶜᶜᵃ), arch_array(arch, λᶠᶜᵃ), arch_array(arch, λᶜᶠᵃ), arch_array(arch, λᶠᶠᵃ),
arch_array(arch, φᶜᶜᵃ), arch_array(arch, φᶠᶜᵃ), arch_array(arch, φᶜᶠᵃ), arch_array(arch, φᶠᶠᵃ), arch_array(arch, zᵃᵃᶜ), arch_array(arch, zᵃᵃᶠ),
arch_array(arch, Δxᶜᶜᵃ), arch_array(arch, Δxᶠᶜᵃ), arch_array(arch, Δxᶜᶠᵃ), arch_array(arch, Δxᶠᶠᵃ),
arch_array(arch, Δyᶜᶜᵃ), arch_array(arch, Δyᶜᶠᵃ), arch_array(arch, Δyᶠᶜᵃ), arch_array(arch, Δyᶠᶠᵃ), arch_array(arch, Δzᵃᵃᶜ), arch_array(arch, Δzᵃᵃᶠ),
arch_array(arch, Azᶜᶜᵃ), arch_array(arch, Azᶠᶜᵃ), arch_array(arch, Azᶜᶠᵃ), arch_array(arch, Azᶠᶠᵃ),
radius, nothing)

return grid


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