NPC attacks player through Z-level #36291
Unintended interactions or behavior, usually breaking how the game is balanced
NPC / Factions
NPCs, AI, Speech, Factions, Ownership
Closed for lack of activity, but still valid.
Levels below and above ground.
Describe the bug
NPC's can attack the player through the floor.
Steps To Reproduce
Find Outpost, or possible other good testing location
Locate Hostile NPCs above you
Move under the NPC's so that you are horizontally adjacent
Expected behavior
Attacks through the floor should not be possible
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
-> teleporting one z-level straight up
Versions and configuration
Dark Days Ahead [dda],
Disable NPC Needs [no_npc_food],
Medieval and Historic Classes and Shields [Medieval_Stuff],
Makeshift Items Mod [makeshift],
Alternative Map Key [alt_map_key],
Hydroponics [hydroponics],
More Locations [more_locations],
Fuji's More Buildings [FujiStruct],
Urban Development [Urban_Development],
Folding Parts pack [deoxymod],
Vehicle Additions Pack [blazemod],
Roadheader and other mining vehicles [Heavy miners],
Tanks and Other Vehicles [Tanks],
Bionic Slots [cbm_slots],
Fuji's Military Profession Pack [fuji_mpp],
Stats Through Skills [StatsThroughSkills]
#Additional Notes
If standing on top of a staircase with zombies under you, you can hold TAB to attack them - might be related.
Additional Information: Z-Level on, 3D vision on (1lvl limit)
NOT tested if possible when OVER NPCs
NOT tested if REVERSE is possible when OVER NPCs
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