Custom Website of Indeed Job Postings from Catalina Island with Leaflet map, D3 HTML Table, and Heroku API map.
Began with using Python, BeautifulSoup to connect to and pull the data fields we wanted. Built out a loop to create all the data that we could then export via csv file.
Utilized postgreSQL to build a table and import the data from our csv file and normalize the data.
Created a heroku app that allows visitors to post new jobs to the site on a map.
used D3 to pull data from JSON files into a table that then is filtered to allow user to type and limit the job postings.
Utilized JavaScript Leaflet to map out the locations of the current postings. Due to the general addresses used on indeed, we clustered the markers on the map.
We only pulled the data once and job postings would be outdated. Catalina Island had a limited number of jobs that we later realized many jobs were duplicates but posted on different days. Not much salary data available to compare.