Cláudio Varandas
Software Engineer @ Velv
This project was created to submit the code challenge for LW.
It consists in a api that provides servers information. It has a endpoint to provide the servers list, and endpoints to provide the options for the filters, to filter the servers list.
Tech stack:
- Framework Laravel 10
- PHPUnit 10.5.11
The souce code repository is available here :
- Docker / Docker desktop (WSL/MacOs)
- Docker composer
- Git
- Open the command line interface , then :
git clone
cd lws-poc
cp ./servers-api/.env.example ./servers-api/.env
docker compose up -d
mkdir ./servers-api/storage/app/import
cp ./etc/import/servers_filters_assignment.csv ./servers-api/storage/app/import/
chmod -R 777 ./servers-api/storage ./servers-api/bootstrap/cache
./ install
./ key:generate
./ servers:import
You should see this result of the servers:import
command :
./ servers:import
Done importing file.
| original_rows | imported_rows | locations_count |
| 486 | 486 | 7 |
Api base url : http://localhost:8181/api/v1
Service | Container Name | Host:Port |
API | lws-nginx | localhost:8181 |
Nginx | lws-api | 9000 |
SwaggerUI | lws-swagger-ui-1 | localhost:8188 |
To access to the php container shell :
docker exec -it --user www-data lws-api sh
Run artisan commands ./ <command>
Run composer commands ./ <command>
Enter the php container ./
, and run any command you like.
The api documentation follows openapi standard, and is exposed in a friendly ui (Swagger UI), which is available in this url :
There is also available , in the doc folder , a postman collection to be imported on postman:
Download postman :
To run the tests do ./ test
in the project root folder.
You should see a result like this :
PASS Tests\Unit\ServerImportHandlerTest
✓ it should handle ram and return proper data array with data set "valid value"
✓ it should handle ram and return proper data array with data set "invalid value"
PASS Tests\Feature\ApiTest
✓ base url returns success 0.17s
✓ servers endpoint returns success 0.03s
PASS Tests\Feature\ServersEndpointTest
✓ servers endpoint returns correct data structure 0.02s
✓ servers endpoint should return exact records with data set "all possible filters" 0.01s
✓ servers endpoint should return exact records with data set "filter by location hdd ram" 0.01s
✓ servers endpoint should return exact records with data set "filter by location hdd" 0.01s
✓ servers endpoint should return exact records with data set "filter by location" 0.01s
✓ servers endpoint should return 422 when validation fails for storage 0.01s
✓ servers endpoint should return 422 when validation fails for location 0.01s
✓ servers endpoint should return 422 when validation fails for hdd type 0.01s
✓ servers endpoint should return 422 when validation fails for ram 0.01s
PASS Tests\Feature\ServersImportCommandTest
✓ it should import data into db files 0.08s
Tests: 14 passed (72 assertions)
Duration: 0.48s
Or you can run Phpunit directly, just run this in the project root :
docker exec -it --user www-data lws-api sh
and you should see a result like this one:
PHPUnit 10.5.11 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Runtime: PHP 8.2.15
Configuration: /api/phpunit.xml
.............. 14 / 14 (100%)
Time: 00:00.412, Memory: 34.00 MB
OK (14 tests, 72 assertions)
There a user interface available , to setup you need:
- nodejs 18 or superior
then on the project root :
cd servers-ui
npm install
Then to serve the app :
npm run preview
> servers-ui@0.0.0 preview
> vite preview --port 8888
➜ Local: http://localhost:8888/
➜ Network: use --host to expose
➜ press h + enter to show help
Then navigate to http://localhost:8888/