An Ansible role to perform Storage configuration on Cisco UCS Manager.
This role requires UCS modules from Ansible v2.5. UCS Ansible modules require the ucsmsdk Python module.
There are two ways you can test this role:
Install it by cloning the Github repository (ensure CiscoUcs.ucs-storage is in your ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH)
git clone CiscoUcs.ucs-storage
Install it using the ansible-galaxy command
ansible-galaxy install CiscoUcs.ucs-storage
Variables that are in defaults/main.yml are based on the FlexPod Datacenter with Docker EE Cisco Validated Design (CVD). The Docker EE CVD is available at Default UCS Manager login information is also provided in defaults.main.yml that can be used with the Cisco demo Cloud UCS 3.2 environment:
tests/test.yml is an example of how to use the role:
- hosts: localhost
- CiscoUcs.ucs-storage
Run the test.yml playbook with the following command:
ansible-playbook [-i <inventory file>] test.yml
Apache 2.0
David Soper (@dsoper2), CiscoUcs (@CiscoUcs)