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Client Introduction

UGLC-TDI is medium-scale business. They have some assets/facilities that they put out for rentals. Records are kept using a paper based record keeping system which they wish to migrate to a paperless system. Following the customer’s request, they plan to develop a simple web app to efficiently manage their assets database and their asset rentals.

Project Introduction

UGLC-TDI (Client) wants to develope a web based application to migrate their business operation to a paperless system. The application should have the following features :

  • manage the inventory by adding or editing assets
  • asssets should be grouped into categories
  • manage end users by adding or editing users
  • determine the level of accessibility for users
  • have a database of clients who rent their assets/facilitiies
  • the end user/front desk attendant should be able to create bookings for clients and generate invoices/receipts and
  • be able to check in or check out a client as and when they access the facility/assets booked
  • the dashboard should display summary of assets and bookings using graphs/tables where necessary

This project uses ASP.NET Boilerplate ASP.NET Boilerplate.

User Interface is based on AdminLTE theme. and PrimeNG


Project Demo

Rental Management System Demo

Rental Management System API Demo