This project was created for the UofTHacks 12 Hackathon and was the winner of Best University of Toronto Hack.
Our take on this year's theme, Perspective, is an application that takes a different look at media consumption beyond a form of entertainment, and challenges pre-conceived ideas about language learning - that it has to be confined to textbooks and classrooms. The result of this is YouLingo, a web application designed to help users learn new languages by making YouTube videos into custom language lessons. Users can explore various videos, add their own video URLs, and manage their favorite videos.
- Adrien Mery
- Rui Weng
- Lucie Yang
- Cindy Zhang
This application is based on the language acquisition theory posited by Stephen Krashen, a renowned American linguist who has written more than 500 articles and books on the second language acquisition and related fields. [1] In his theory, he outlined six hypotheses about how to effectively gain fluency in a second language. They are:
- The Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis: learning a language involves consciously obtaining knowledge about a language, while the process of acquisition is unconscious and involves direct interaction with a language. The former approach is used in formal language education, which often yields unsatisfactory results. In comparison, the latter approach is the process through which children come to master their native language.
- The Monitor Hypothesis: when we are consciously learning a language, there is an internal monitor that judges and corrects the every utterance. As a result, fluency is sacrificed to maximize accuracy, which hinders the progress of the learner in the long run.
- The Natural Order hypothesis: children first acquire the comprehension capacities, then production capacities; they also master languages in spoken forms before learning the written forms. Therefore, the natural order of language acquisition is listening, speaking, reading, then writing. There are also orders of acquiring different grammatical structures. When adults follow the same order, they are able to communicate more fluently and effectively.
- The Input Hypothesis: language input can only be helpful to a learner when they are comprehensible. When they wish to progress, they must take small steps by consuming content that encompass the previous material with small additions. This can be described by the analogy "i+1", where i represents the current knowledge and 1 represents the small addition on that basis.
- The Affective Filter Hypothesis: when learners are in stressful surroundings, their brains filter out the input and render it useless. Their interest in the content they consume can also affect how well they internalize the language. Therefore, it is important for them to be in a relaxed environment where they can engage with the materials of their choosing and make mistakes.
- The Reading Hypothesis: our vocabulary expands when we read materials from real-life contexts, rather than engage in rote memorization of vocabulary lists. [2] These hypotheses have proven to be effective from their significant transformation of language instruction and successful results.
YouLingo instantiates these hypotheses in concrete and innovative ways:
- It does not explicitly instruct users to learn and memorize grammar rules, conjugations and vocabulary lists. Instead, it provides users with natural input sourced from the wealth of videos on YouTube, which are created by real individuals in real-life contexts. This is similar to how a child picks up their native language from listening to conversations in their surroundings.
- When a user is focused on the content of their favourite videos, they are subconsciously taking in their target language without pressure to perform in a grammatically impeccable manner.
- Our application focuses on the first stage of the language acquisition process, since that is the key stage that is often skipped or skimmed through. When users are ready, it also provides the potential for them to practice other aspects of the language - for example, they can read the transcripts and hone their production abilities with the quizzes the app generates. Overall, they are grounded in the practice of content consumption to ensure sufficient input.
- This hypothesis is implemented by the flagship feature of our application, the recommendation system that compares videos with the user's knowledge base using a variety of quantifiable linguistic metrics.
- Similar to the second hypothesis, this principle emphasizes the importance of a good environment and emotional state in efficacy of acquisition. Our application provides content tailored to the user's preferences and expertise, so they can feel at ease with the subject of the materials.
- While our application does not focus on reading, the principles from the sixth hypothesis can be generalized to listening materials. As mentioned, we provide users with a large amount of video data that strategically introduce new vocabulary in real-life contexts.
At the present stage, we assess the language level of users and the difficulty of videos using the CEFR framework. This system is chosen because it is used around the world and is a shorthand for quantifying the linguistic complexity of materials. It has six broad levels as outlined below:
- A1: Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
- A2: Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.
- B1: Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
- B2: Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
- C1: Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.
- C2: Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Can summarise information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation. Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations. [3]
In the application, these levels are represented by floating point numbers, which makes it possible to more precisely specify the difficulty of a video, word, tense or clause to a greater precision. A1 is quantified as 1.0, A2 as 2.0 and so on, up to C2 as 5.0.
NOTE: due to time constraints, some of these features have not been fully implemented. The following is a description of the intended design of the application with the core features available for demonstration.
YouLingo allows users to input topics of interest as tags, and save videos as a list. It also stores a range of linguistic competency data for each user. This includes:
Overall CEFR level: This is stored as a floating point number from 0.0 to 5.0, representing levels from A1 to C2. Upon sign-up, the user
Lexicon: This is a list of the vocabulary that the user has accumulated from videos they have watched. Each word has an associated CEFR score, and the application keeps a tally of the number of times the user has encountered that word.
Record of Tenses: Similar to the Lexicon, this is a record of the tenses the user has encountered. The following tenses are tracked by the application:
Available Tenses Infinitive Present simple Infinitive passive Past simple Infinitive continuous Present continuous Infinitive perfect Present perfect Infinitive perfect passive Past perfect Infinitive perfect continuous Present perfect continuous Unbound modal verb Present perfect passive Imperative Present continuous passive Gerund simple Gerund perfect Past participle simple Past perfect continuous Gerund perfect passive Past perfect passive Gerund perfect continuous Past continuous passive Gerund perfect passive -
Record of Clauses: This is a record of the types of clauses the user has encountered. They include:
Available Clause Types Adjective clauses Adverbial clauses Relative clauses Noun clauses Sentences inside parentheses
[intended but not implemented] Like the lexicon, the record of the types of tenses and clauses also keeps track of the number of times they have been encountered by the user. Each time the user watches a video, new words, tenses and clause types are added to their knowledge base, and the tally for existing entries increases. As the user accumulate experience, their overall CEFR level increases automatically based on the tally and average CEFR score of the words in their lexicon, as well as their familiarity with tenses and clause types. This in turn increases the average difficulty of videos recommended to them, as discussed below.
The user's home page is populated by a series of recommended videos based on the user's topics of interest, their CEFR level and [intended but not implemented] the similarity between the video's language content and the user's knowledge base. The precision of the recommendations can be adjusted (for example, users can choose to view videos with a general difficulty level that is within ±0.5 CEFR-score of their personal level, and with a word list that has an 80% overlap with their lexicon of familiar vocabulary). The videos are ranked based on these metrics, and new videos are shown upon refreshing the page.
Each video is accompanied by the following components:
- A transcript in the user's target language, and a translation into the language of the user's choice.
- [intended but not implemented] A matching score that indicates the video's similarity to the
linguistic information that the user has already encountered. This breaks down into three categories:
- vocabulary
- tenses
- clause types with the same set of available tenses and clause types as the one in the user database.
- A general difficulty score, rated in terms of CEFR levels. This is also expanded into the same categories as above.
- A counter that keeps track of the number of times the user has watched the video.
- A button to save the video.
Saved videos can be retrieved under a "My Videos" tab. This encourages users to review videos to ensure sufficient repetition. [intended but not implemented] Videos would be considered as complete after a custom number of replays and the user would be allowed to add newer, more challenging videos to their rotation.
A short quiz is generated for each video, and the user can input their answer to be assessed on their reading and writing abilities.
- React
- React Router
- Reactstrap
- Auth0 React
- Bootstrap
- React Icons
- CEFR Statistics API by Cathoven
- YouTube Transcript API by jedpoix
- YouTube Data API v.3 by Google
- Google Cloud Firestore
- OpenAI GPT-4 API
Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:
- Node.js
- npm (Node Package Manager)
- Python
- pip (Python Package Installer)
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd YouLingo/you-jujube
- Install the dependencies for the frontend:
npm install
- Install the dependencies for the backend:
cd ../flask_backend
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the frontend application in a development environment, use the following command:
cd ../you-jujube
npm start
This will start the development server and open the application in your default web browser. The application will automatically reload if you make any changes to the source code.
To run the Flask backend, use the following command:
cd ../flask_backend
flask run
This will start the Flask server. Make sure you have your serviceAccountKey.json
file in the flask_backend
directory and your .env
file properly configured.
: Contains the source code for the application.components/
: Contains reusable React
: Contains service files for API calls.App.js
: The main application component.Home.js
: The home page component.Explore.js
: The explore page component.VideoLesson.js
: The video lesson page component.MyVideos.js
: The my videos page component.
: Contains the Flask backend
: The main Flask application file.requirements.txt
: The dependencies for the Flask application.
This application uses Auth0 for authentication. Make sure to configure your Auth0 credentials in the application.
There are some features we did not have time to implement, but we look forward to growing this project in the future!
- Transcript highlighting: the transcript can be colour-coded according to the user's familiarity with the words, as well as words that are far beyond the user's current level. The same can be done with difficult sentence structures and grammatical formulations. Based on that, YouLingo will recommend parts of the video that the user should review and parts that can be skipped over.
- Review reminder: YouLingo can remind the user to re-watch the videos at scheduled intervals, using principles like the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve.
- Connection to YouTube: for users who are willing, YouLingo can be linked to their YouTube account, so they get even more personalized recommendations based on their watch history and behaviours.
- Like YouTube, YouLingo can display the most-viewed segments when hovering over the progress bar.
- There can be further AI integration for advanced features like stitching together lines from different videos to make custom materials, or generating audio/video scripts altogether.
If you would like to contribute to this project, please fork the repository and submit a pull request.