We had a great turnout and engaged audience for our April meeting. Below is a quick recap and links to resources from our meeting.
- Our very own Matt McNabb (@mcnabbmh) has been deemed a 2016 PowerShell Hero by PowerShell.org.
- We have our own channel in the PowerShell Slack Team. Join Us at https://powershell.slack.com. Email Us if you need an invite.
- PowerShell.org is part of the DevOps collective, to learn more about them visit https://devopscollective.org
- The DevOps Collective has a "GetGoing" IT Ops Education Program and Scholarship. If you know of someone that is interested please visit http://www.powershell.org/wp/?p=37989
- Check out the PowerShell.org YouTube channel to watch most of the sessions from the PowerShell Summit: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfeA8kIs7Coc1Jn5hC4e_XgbFUaS5jY2i
- PowerShell DSC is maturing and you should start experimenting with it, if you have not already done so.
- Here are some resources to help get you started - https://github.com/PowerShellOrg/dsc-summit-precon
- Testing and Documentation is important and should become part of your daily workflow:
- Testing and documenting helps improve code quality, quality enables fast delivery speed
- Test and write help as your code and make changes, it makes the task less daunting by integrating it into your workflow
- Test Driven Development (TDD) and Help Driven Development (HDD) help you to plan before you even write a single line of code.
- Remember your help is your contract with your user, even if the user is you in 6 months or a year.
- PSScriptAnalyser is available in the PowerShell Gallery or on GitHub - https://github.com/PowerShell/PSScriptAnalyzer
- Pester is a testing framework for PowerShell, if you don't know it, learn it, it will become an essential tool in your PowerShell Toolkit. https://github.com/pester/Pester
- Pester testing framework for PowerShell - https://www.simple-talk.com/sysadmin/powershell/practical-powershell-unit-testing-getting-started/
- Getting Started with Pester - http://www.powershellmagazine.com/2014/03/12/get-started-with-pester-powershell-unit-testing-framework/
- Pester in Action - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOcTmsj9WHDo2_FfKePLaq_mJTcnW_fEJ
- Boe Prox Talks PowerShell and Pester – OPSUG - https://learn-powershell.net/2015/11/16/resources-available-from-my-talk-on-powershell-and-pester/
- The main part of our talk was around Steven Murawski and Michael Greene's Release Pipeline Model. http://aka.ms/thereleasepipelinemodel
- PSDeploy is another build automation tool to help you move one step closer to a Continuous Deployment model. https://github.com/RamblingCookieMonster/PSDeploy
- psake is also another viable option for automating your build pipeline. https://github.com/psake/psake
- Operation Validation Framework is a set of tools for validating the operations of a system. This allows you to execute Pester tests that you have created to validate operations of an entire system (rather than just features). https://github.com/PowerShell/Operation-Validation-Framework
- This is a great follow up to the release pipeline article https://devblackops.io/building-a-simple-release-pipeline-in-powershell-using-psake-pester-and-psdeploy/
- June Blender's "A Class of Wine" talk from the Virtual PowerShell User Group - https://www.crowdcast.io/e/vipug-2015-03/register
- Code resources from June's "A Class of Wine Talk" - https://github.com/juneb/ClassOfWine
- Getting Started with Git
- Ry's Git Tutorial - http://rypress.com/tutorials/git/index
- Learn Git at Code School - https://www.codeschool.com/learn/git
- Matt McNabb's Office 365 Communications Module to help us get started writing tests - https://github.com/mattmcnabb/o365servicecommunications