AWS EBS is a block storage service provided by AWS. This module deploys the AWS EBS CSI Plugin into Nomad to allow Nomad jobs to use AWS EBS volumes as persistant storage for stateful workloads.
- Nomad Storage Plugins - CSI Plugins
- AWS EBS - Product Page
- AWS EBS CSI Driver - GitHub Repository
- AWS EBS CSI Driver - AWS Documentation
The CSI itself can be found on the AWS EBS CSI Driver GitHub Page. It's a good place to look for documentation, features and issues. Most of the documentation on the GitHub page at the moment assumes you're using Kubernetes but the CSI itself should be cross compatible with any container orchestrator that supports CSI. (Which includes Nomad).
The nomad agents and docker daemon must be configured to allow privileged containers. Make sure you understand what this means before proceeding and check the docker image being run as part of this job.
nomad config snippet...
client {
enabled = true
options {
"docker.privileged.enabled" = "true"
See provision instructions on the Terraform Registry page
Once the plugin has deployed successfully you can register an EBS Volume. Create a volume config file such as the one below.
id = "ebs0"
name = "ebs0"
type = "csi"
plugin_id = "aws-ebs"
external_id = [EBSVolumeId]
access_mode = "single-node-writer"
attachment_mode = "file-system"
Then register the volume...
nomad volume register ebs-volume.hcl
You can also register the volume using Terraform and the Nomad Provider. See the module examples.
Once the volume has been registered it can be used in a jobspec. For this example, assume a volume has already been registered with the id jenkins_ebs
. You could then run this job and setup Jenkins, maybe creating a job or two. If you then purge and re-create the jenkins job, you should see all the config changes and jobs you created have persisted.
job "jenkins" {
datacenters = ["dc1"]
type = "service"
group "jenkins" {
count = 1
volume "jenkins_home" {
type = "csi"
read_only = false
source = "jenkins_ebs"
task "jenkins" {
driver = "docker"
volume_mount {
volume = "jenkins_home"
destination = "/var/jenkins_home"
read_only = false
config {
image = "jenkins/jenkins:latest"
port_map {
http = 8080
jnlp = 50000
resources {
cpu = 500
memory = 512
network {
port "http" {}
port "jnlp" {}
service {
name = "jenkins"
port = "http"
check {
type = "tcp"
interval = "10s"
timeout = "2s"