Computer Algebra problem using SymPy . Projects in course
#Created: 11/2019
Chouliaras G. Konstantinos @Chouliar
Astli John @JohnAstli
#Contents: Inside all folders there is a report wich contains the description of each question (in Greek) where the following functions where used
#Folder 1 : Extended GCD (Euclid)
GCD Counter
Mod Inversion (m^-1 mod n)
#Folder 2 : euclid_triang (prs calculator with euclid array triangulation)
#Folder 3 : new_euclid ( modified Extended GCD that returns the list of partial quotients )
Cont_Fractions (continued fractions calculator)
K_method (implementation of Kioutselidis method of finding upper bound in a polyonom)
VCA+VAG_methods (division methods based on Vincent theorem)
*inside VCA+VAG_methods there is also the continued fractions method VAS