#Storm Installs Apache Storm
##Requirements By default neither nimbus nor supervisors/logviewer will be enabled, set one or both of these variables to enable.
- storm_nimbus_enabled: true
- storm_supervisor_enabled: true
If storm_ui_enabled
is set to True the UI is installed on the same box as nimbus. Typically there is a single nimbus server and multiple supervisors. Storm-logviewer is installed on the same box as the supervisors.
The variable are required for proper setup
- nimbus_host
- zookeeper_hosts - comma separated list of hosts, any specified port is ignored 2181 is used.
- storm_cluster_logback_xml - the path to the local copy of a custom logback configuration file (you can copy it to the machine in a pre-task) to override the default storm logging with. If this variable is omitted, the default storm logback config will be used.
- monasca_log_level - Log level to be used for storm logs. Defaults to WARN
- monasca_wait_for_period - The time in seconds for how long to wait for the nimbus port and the ui port to be available after starting them. Default is 60 seconds.
- run_mode: One of Deploy, Stop, Install, Configure or Start. The default is Deploy which will do Install, Configure, then Start.
##License Apache
##Author Information Tim Kuhlman
Monasca Team email monasca@lists.launchpad.net