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Child Mind Institute - MindLogger Mobile App

This repository is used for the respondent mobile app of the MindLogger application stack.

Application Stack

Getting Started

Running the app:

1. Prerequisites

  • NodeJS 18 or higher, recommend using asdf or nvm to manage local node version
  • Yarn 1.x
  • Follow steps in React Native CLI Environment Setup, including:
    • Watchman
    • Xcode (incl. Command Line Tools)
    • Java Development Kit
    • Android Studio
    • Android SDK
  • Backend project running locally or accessible in a test environment
  • Configured environment variables:
    cp .env.example

2. Run the app

  • Install Node dependencies using yarn
  • Install CocoaPod dependencies using yarn pods
  • Start Metro using yarn start (see scripts)
  • Build and run either the iOS or Android app:
    • yarn android builds the Android app and runs in an Android emulator
    • yarn ios builds the iOS app and runs in an iOS simulator


See MindLogger's Knowledge Base article to discover the MindLogger application stack's features.


  • TypeScript - TypeScript is JavaScript with syntax for types
  • React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • React Native - A JavaScript framework for building natively-rendered apps for iOS, Android, and web
  • Redux Toolkit - Global state manager for JavaScript applications
  • React Navigation - A routing and navigation library for React Native
  • React Native Reanimated - An animation library for creating smooth interactions running on the UI thread
  • Tamagui - A style library and component kit for React, supporting web, Android, and iOS
  • Axios - A Promise-based HTTP client for JavaScript
  • Feature-Sliced Design - Architectural methodology

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run the following commands from the project root:


  • yarn postinstall

    Applies any preconfigured package patches & sets up iOS permissions.

  • yarn pods

    Installs any native dependencies required by the iOS app via CocoaPods, a dependency management system used for iOS.

Starting the Metro Server

  • yarn start

    Runs Metro, the JavaScript bundler that ships with React Native.
    Keep this process running in a separate terminal before running the application.

  • yarn start:reset-cache

    Clears the cache related to the development environment before running Metro. This can help resolve certain npm errors, inconsistencies, and free up disk space by removing redundant packages that have accumulated.

Running the Application

Make sure Metro is running, then run:

  • yarn android

    Builds and runs the Android version of the app in the default Android emulator.

  • yarn ios

    Builds and runs the iOS version of the app in the iOS Simulator.

Feature Flags considerations

LaunchDarkly currently has a issue with Flipper interfering with streaming connections on Android link Using features that require feature flags requires running the release version of the app, e.g. yarn android:dev-release Alternatively, you may manually edit the value of a flag by modifying it in the useFeatureFlags hook:

  const updateFeatureFlags = () => {
    features.testingFlag = true;

Updating the Application version

Install Fastlane via Homebrew: brew install fastlane.

Update the version in the package.json file and run: yarn bump.

To update only the build version of the Application, just run yarn bump without updating the package.json file.

Alternative Build Configurations

The above scripts run the app using Debug configuration and for MindLogger's dev server environment. You can also run the app using the optimized Release configuration (which disables debugger integration) or for other MindLogger server environments, including qa, staging, uat, and production.

Command OS Build configuration Server environment
yarn android:dev Android Debug dev
yarn android:dev-release Android Release dev
yarn android:qa Android Debug qa
yarn android:qa-release Android Release qa
yarn android:staging Android Debug staging
yarn android:staging-release Android Release staging
yarn android:uat Android Debug uat
yarn android:uat-release Android Release uat
yarn android:production Android Debug production
yarn android:production-release Android Release production
yarn ios:dev iOS Debug dev
yarn ios:dev-release iOS Release dev
yarn ios:qa iOS Debug qa
yarn ios:qa-release iOS Release qa
yarn ios:staging iOS Debug staging
yarn ios:staging-release iOS Release staging
yarn ios:uat iOS Debug uat
yarn ios:uat-release iOS Release uat
yarn ios:production iOS Debug production
yarn ios:production-release iOS Release production


  • yarn test - Runs the test suite


  • yarn lint - Check that source code follows eslint rules

Environment Variables

Key Required Default value Description
ENV no dev App build label (informational only)
API_URL yes http://localhost:8000 MindLogger Backend API base URL
MIXPANEL_TOKEN no null Mixpanel analytics token
STORE_ENCRYPTION_KEY yes my-encryption-key Secure storage encryption key
LAUNCHDARKLY_MOBILE_KEY yes my-env-mobile-key LaunchDarkly mobile key, refer to Confluence for correct environment key


Common Public Attribution License Version 1.0 (CPAL-1.0)

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