Right now it is nothing really exiting, yet. Basically it is some kind of "emulator" which can execute SFC files. By executing I actually mean it will start executing code starting from the Reset-Interrupt-Vector. Eventually it will break/stop executing due to not implemented Opcodes/Components.
That being said, there are two tools that already dropped out of this project:
- snesdis (A simple dissasembler)
- snesdbg (A step debugger) Both tools are in a very eary stage and not really ready to be used right now.
The SNES is my absolute favorite console. I really wanted to understand how the system works and how to write software (games/demos) for it. Also I wanted to improve my coding skills in rust. So I decided to start implementing this.
I assume you have rustup and cargo installed.
To "execute" a SNES Rom (SFC) one need to type:
cargo run --bin superrustendo <path-to-sfc-file>
To dissasemle a SNES ROM file this:
cargo run --bin snesdis <path-to-sfc-file>
And to debug a SNES ROM file:
cargo run --bin snesdbg <path-to-sfc-file>
Once started with a sfc file the following commands are available:
Step one instruction:
Step n instructions:
s|step n
print CPU state:
p|print cpu