This Terraform module deploys a container into ECS Fargate and attaches a listener to an ALB with a target group which ECS registers targets with.
DNS records can be created in Cloudflare and logs are sent to CloudWatch.
It is assumed that TLS will be handled by Cloudflare which is much simpler than managing certificates and DNS records in AWS. (having to create certs in ACM, verify identity, etc)
You must provide an API token for Cloudflare. This allows you to reduce permission down to only the zone that we are creating.
You must already have a zone created in Cloudflare. This is because the responsibility of creating the zone should not belong to this module; for example some other Terraform code somewhere else may also be adding DNS records which you would not want to be deleted by this module.
module "deployment" {
source = "git::"
region = var.region
vpc_id = data.terraform_remote_state.infra.outputs.vpc_id
cloudflare_api_token = var.cloudflare_api_token
cloudflare_zone = var.cloudflare_zone
cloudflare_dns_records = [{
type = "CNAME"
name = "dev-api"
value = data.terraform_remote_state.infra.outputs.public_alb_dns_name
ttl = 3600
service_name = var.service_name
image = var.image
task_count = var.task_count
cpu = var.cpu
memory = var.memory
container_port = var.container_port
deployment_maximum_percent = var.deployment_maximum_percent
deployment_minimum_healthy_percent = var.deployment_minimum_healthy_percent
health_check_path = var.health_check_path
task_execution_role_arn = data.terraform_remote_state.infra.outputs.task_execution_role_arn
task_role_arn = data.terraform_remote_state.infra.outputs.task_role_arn
alb_arn = data.terraform_remote_state.infra.outputs.public_alb_arn
secrets = data.terraform_remote_state.infra.outputs.secrets
subnet_ids = data.terraform_remote_state.infra.outputs.subnet_ids
security_group_ids = [data.terraform_remote_state.infra.outputs.internal_load_balancer_security_group_id]