C++ parallel implementation of the k-nearest neighbors algorithm using async c++ threads. The data are evenly split between n threads that each thread computes the k-nearest neighbors for its part of data.
A input file test_big.txt contains coordinates of 9271 3D-points in the world space.
For each input point, find its k-nearest neighbors indexes.
To build use Makefile (C++11 needed)
make clean
./main <input_points.txt> <result.txt>
For instance,
./main ./input/test_big.txt ./out/out_big.txt
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 2.00GHz
For 9271 3D-points and k=5
Threads | Time, milisec |
1 | 45979 |
2 | 24430 |
3 | 18370 |
4 | 14112 |
5 | 13207 |