The task that was given:
About the Cleint: Social Buzz is a growing unicorn that need to adapt to change with their growing users. Accenture has begun a 3 month POC focusing on Deliverables:
- An audit of Social Buzz’s big data practice
- Recommendations for a successful IPO
- Analysis to find Social Buzz’s top 5 most popular content categories.
After analyzing all relevant data I found out that the the tables : Content, Reactions and Reaction Types will be of use
Steps performed on Data:
- Data Understanding: findind which columns and which tables are relevant
- Data Clenaing: remove null values, chnage datatypes of feilds , drop columns
- Data Manipulation: using vlookup to merge tables and sumif to find aggregated score for each category
- Data Analysis and Viz: Analysed data to find the top 5 categories and supported with viz( bar and pie chart)
- Uncovering Insights: !6 unique categories were found, 1897 reactions to post about ANIMALS , JANUARY had most posts
Insights & Summary:
ANALYSIS:�Animals and science are the top 2 categories of content, showing people enjoy pre ‘real’ and ‘factual’ content. INSIGHT: Food is a common theme with the top 5 , with ‘Healthy Eating; ranking the highest. This insight can be usen to host a campaign and collaborate with healthy food brands.