Search pattern in a mysql database schema.
Usage: phpmysearch.php -d <db_name> -t <table_name> -s <pattern> [OPTION]...
-h Print help
-d db_name
-t table_name
-s pattern
Search any table that contain the string 'user' in their name
$ php phpmysearch.php -d tifomatic -s user
search for "user"
searching in db mysql
matched in table : user
Search in all databases
$ php phpmysearch.php -s user
search for "user"
searching in db mysql, table general_log
matched in field : user_host
searching in db mysql, table proxies_priv
matched in field : Proxied_user
searching in db mysql, table slow_log
matched in field : user_host
searching in db mysql, table user
matched in field : Create_user_priv
matched in field : max_user_connections
searching in db mysql
matched in table : user