Wrapper functions to run the hMRI-toolbox on rodent data (rat/mice) The hMRI-toolbox is used for quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (qMRI). For hMRI-toolbox see
- https://www.cbs.mpg.de/departments/neurophysics/software/hmri-toolbox
- https://github.com/hMRI-group/hMRI-toolbox
🔵 Inspect last changes/updates.
ADVANTAGE: updates can be made via toolbox
- download & install GIT client --> https://git-scm.com/downloads just follow instructions and keep the default properties
- go to here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChariteExpMri/mpm/master/install_mpm.m
- select "save as" (cmd+s or ctrl+s) and save file as "install_mpm.m"
- copy "install_mpm.m" to the location where mpm should be installed. ..please don't create a folder with name "mpm", this folder will be created later on
- set MATLAB's current working dir to the location of "mpm"
- type 'mpm'
- read the turorial.
- The hMRI-toolbox is needed.
- Please note that only version 0.2.4 was tested (hMRI-toolbox-0.2.4) --> https://github.com/hMRI-group/hMRI-toolbox/releases/tag/v0.2.4
- For Preprocessing ANTx2 is mandatory (see tutorial 'tutorial_mpm.docx' in this repo)
- https://github.com/ChariteExpMri/antx2
- For a tutorial see: https://github.com/ChariteExpMri/mpm_rodent/tree/master/docs