Manshar is an Arabic publishing platform that focuses mainly on content, making it beautiful and easy to read without any distractions that has nothing to do with the content.
Manshar aims at making the blogging experience for Arabic easier than ever by providing an editor that has all what a blogger needs to style and edit the article while showing them exactly how it'll look like as they're wrtiting without any need for extra preview steps.
In addition to Manshar’s mission of spreading the culture of blogging in Arabic and contributing to the Arabic content, Manshar also aims at gathering the best Arab developers around the project by making it open source and available for anybody interested to join, to spread the culture of collaborating and contributing amongst the developers community as well.
Manshar was launched by Mohammad Khatib, a Web Developer at Google, as an effort to contribute to solving the problem of lack of Arabic content online by providing better tools that makes it easier to create and consume Arabic content.
Visit to read about Manshar in Arabic.
##Contributing to Manshar Manshar is built using AngualrJS on the frontend and Ruby on Rails on the backend. Frontend and backend are completely seperated to give you a better chance at contributing to the project if you're familiar with just one technology or if you want to contribute to one of them without wanting to deal with the other.
##Questions and Feedback If you have any questions about the project and how to contribute please email us at we'll be happy to talk to you!