Symfony Plugin for Chargily ePay Gateway
- Via Composer (Recomended)
composer require chargily/epay-symfony
- Register the bundle, add this line at the end of the file config/bundles.php
\Chargily\SymfonyBundle\ChargilySymfonyBundle::class => ['all' => true],
- Import the services, Add the follow line in config/services.yml
- { resource: "@ChargilySymfonyBundle/config/services.yaml" }
- Configure the api keys Add the follow line in config/services.yml
api_key: "API_KEY"
secret_key: "SECRET_KEY"
- Process payment and redirection to payment page
$payload = array(
"client" => "test",
'client_email' => "",
"invoice_number" => '123456789',
"amount" => 110,
'discount' => 0,
'mode' => 'CIB',
'back_url' => "",
'webhook_url' => "" . "/" . "webHookSuffixRoute". "/" ."OrderNumber",
//back_url example when you want to take your host base url
//'back_url' => $request->getSchemeAndHttpHost(),
//webhook_url example when you want to take your host base url and add your suffix route for the webhook
//'webhook_url' => $request->getSchemeAndHttpHost() . "/" . you_back_url_suffix_here . "/" .Order_Number,
'comment' => 'My Payment Comment.',
'api_key' => $this->getParameter('api_key'),
$chargyliController = new ChargilyEpaySymfonyController();
$response = $chargyliController->pay($payload);
$status_code = $response->getStatusCode();
$response = json_decode($response->getContent());
if ($status_code == 200) {
//redirect to chargily payment gateway
return $this->redirect($response->response);
} else {
// This is a error message depending on issue that happen
dd($status_code . " " . $response->response);
- success Message for the Process payment
200 => getting redirection link with success => Redirection to url
- Error Message for the Process payment
400 => There mode must be CIB,EDAHABIA option Only
400 => There amount must be numeric and greather or equal than 75
400 => There is issue \for connecting payment gateway. Sorry \for the inconvenience => with error message
400 => There is missing information in payment parameters
- Webhook Template
* @Route("/chargily/webhook/{OrderNumber}",name="chargily_webhook")
* @throws \Exception
public function chargilyWebhook(Request $request)
//getting your order number
$number = $request->attributes->get('OrderNumber');
//part or code for searching your order by number
//getting request content
$data = json_decode($request->getContent(), true);
$headers = json_decode($request->headers, true);
$hashedData = hash_hmac('sha256', json_encode($data) , $this->getParameter('secret_key'));
if (isset($data) and isset($number)) {
if($data['invoice']['status'] == 'paid'){
//part where you update your order status for paid status
return new JsonResponse([
'code' => 200,
'message' => 'Update status with success'
}elseif($data['invoice']['status'] == 'failed'){
//part where you update your order status for failed status
return new JsonResponse([
'code' => 200,
'message' => 'Update status with success'
elseif( $data['invoice']['status'] == 'canceled'){
//part where you update your order status for canceled status
return new JsonResponse([
'code' => 200,
'message' => 'Update status with success'
} else {
return new JsonResponse([
'code' => 400,
'message' => 'Update status Failed'
- Clear the Cache And Enjoy
php bin/console cache:clear
This Plugin is to integrate ePayment gateway with Chargily easily.
- Currently support payment by CIB / EDAHABIA cards and soon by Visa / Mastercard
- This repo is recently created for Sylius Plugin, If you are a developer and want to collaborate to the development of this plugin, you are welcomed!
- Make a fork of this repo.
- Take a tour to our API documentation here
- Get your API Key/Secret from ePay by Chargily dashboard for free.
- Start developing.
- Finished? Push and merge.