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SQSD is an open source implementation of AWS' SQS Daemon used in their Elastic BeanStalk worker tier environments.

Salient Features

  • Employs a task queue worker pool model backed by go's channel-goroutines concurrency mechanism.
  • Task queue's buffer size and number of goroutines are both configurable.
  • Upstream worker endpoint can be any legal URL as opposed to a locally bound server endpoint.

How to run

  • Ensure that AWS credentials are available as environment variables or in shared configuration files or as ec2 role credentials.
  • sqsd requires name of the sqs queue and URL address of the upstream as mandatory parameters.
% sqsd -sqs zensqsd_test -forward http://localhost:8080/


Argument Default Required Description
-sqs None yes SQS queue Name
-region us-west-2 no AWS region of the SQS Queue
-vis 60 no SQS visibility timeout in seconds. This timeout will be set in the ReceiveMessage call to SQS. Default 60*1
-errVis 300 no Time in seconds to wait before a message is made visible in the queue after an attempt to process it fails with an error. Default is 300
-maxPoll 10 no Max messages to fetch at once; 10 by default
-forward None no path to forward the request, must be a valid URL.
-mime application/json no mime type for the request; defaults to application/json.
-maxRetries 10 no max retries; default 10.
-maxRetriesSQSDeletion 1 no max retries for deletion of messages from SQS; default 1
-maxConcurrentConns 50 no max concurrent connections to the upstream
-connTimeout 5 no maximum connection timeout in seconds; default 5 seconds.
-responseTimeout 120 no maximum time to wait for response in seconds; default 120 seconds.
-bufferSize 100 no Internal task queue's buffer size to hold incoming SQS messages; default 100.
-workersCount 20 no Number of concurrent workers to spawn; default 20
-logLevel 0 no logging level. Pass -4 for DEBUG, 0 for INFO, 4 for WARN, 8 for ERROR; default 0 - INFO.

Docker version

You can use docker images published here to invoke SQSD like so -

% docker run -it --entrypoint /sqsd.cmd -sqs <your_sqsq_name> -forward <your_upstream_worker_url>


sqs daemon







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