Scinia is an analytics framework to help me make charts and graphs about my life.
- fetching: Scripts to download interesting data from devices and websites [ComingSoon™]
- processing: An appliation that parses raw data formats and loads everything into a database. Keeps track of historical versions of each data source.
- web: A static website with various visualizations projects and scripts to generate visualization data from the processing db.
The goal here is to transition from one-off scripts that generate 1 graph, to a whole suite of reusable components that make it easy for me to create vizualization projects that can be automatically updated.
Data Sources:
- Google Hangouts Chat
- Google Chat (pre-2014)
- Google Voice
- Skype
- iPhone messages backup (iMessage and SMS)
- LastFM scrobbles
- Facebook Chat [ComingSoon™]
- Foursquare/Swarm Checkins [ComingSoon™]
- Google Latitude [ComingSoon™]
Scinia is the 3rd interation of this project, here are my previous attempts at something like this:
V1 2011 Lacinia
A mismash of terrible PHP scripts that I wrote in college
to visualize my skype and google voice messages.
V2 2012, Rcinia
Armed with 2 months experience learning ruby, I tried (with some success) to rewrite
Lacinia into a Rails app that could support many different vizualizations