Using flutter and firebase and provider. A food order system application in the style of an e-commerce Yemeksepeti.
Client: Flutter, Dart, Provider Package
Database: Firebase, Cloud Firestore, Cloud Storage
Tools: Android Studio
- Cross Platform
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at
I have more knowledge of firebase queries now.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd Restaurant-System
Install dependencies
flutter pub get
Start the application on web (You can run it on the web but it was developed for mobile platform.)
flutter run
- cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2
- animated_text_kit: ^4.1.1
- firebase_core: ^1.0.2
- firebase_auth: ^1.0.1
- cloud_firestore: ^1.0.3
- carousel_pro: ^1.0.0
- firebase_storage: ^8.0.5
- firebase_auth_web: ^1.1.1
- provider: ^5.0.0
- http: ^0.13.3
- simple_animations: ^1.3.3
- page_indicator: ^0.3.0